Anyone on Metformin? PCOS

Either for PCOS or Insulin Resistance

I just started taking it regularly for my PCOS and it's the WORST. I constantly feel nauseous and have..bathroom issues. I can't eat anything and I'm always dizzy.

If I stop taking though, say for a week, I will start gaining weight. My question is: Does anyone have a similar experience or a success story taking it?
I'm just wondering if it's worth it for me to stay on it.


  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 158 Member
    I have PCOS, but I am not on metformin anymore (yay!). I had horrible digestive issues when I did take it though. I was on 500 mg of the the regular formula and it was horrid.

    The nausea and gastric distress will go away after a week or so. In the meantime, I would recommend taking your meds with meals... preferably one with a decent amount of protein.

    Did your doctor recommend taking a half dosage for a week to get your body used to it? Or are you taking the extended release formula? Might want to talk to him/her regarding these options.

    Whatever you end up doing with the meds, I wish you the best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    I used to take Metformin to control my PCOS when I was TTC and it did help me to lose weight but it also came along with some digestive issues for sure!! I took it for at least a year and a half up until my 2nd trimester of pregnancy with my triplets. After having my boys I am now back on birth control to curb my PCOS.
  • I'm on the opposite side though. Last 2009 I was diagnosed with PCOS & I was at my highest weight then. I was adviced to take metformin. Now my PCOS is improved but I still take metformin as my maintenance for my type 2 diabetes. I become full blown diabetic during the time I had PCOS.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Stick with it. The first month for me was like this but I don't have the issues anymore. I have found if I take at same time I eat I don't have many problems. If I forget and take it later sometimes I have them but not as severe as the first few weeks on it.
  • I take 2000 mg for Type II Diabetes and the stomach issues were the worst, I still have them but it could be because I am on such a high dose. The dizziness comes and goes. Sorry!
  • modelingrace
    modelingrace Posts: 4 Member
    I also take Metformin 500 mg for PCOS. I realized quickly that I have to eat a meal before taking it or I feel very sick until I do. I didn't lose any weight on it but I've gained weight since I stopped taking it although that can be due to any number of rreasons.
  • i am on diaformin 500mg, its pretty much metformin and its to lower my insulin resistance. i have had alot of trouble losing weight and when i first started the tablets i felt nausea and digestive issues but it stopped just under a month and i only feel yucky when i eat sugar. i've found that i don't feel as hungry anymore, and i am on a low gi diet. since i have started the tablets i have lost 2 or so kilos woo!
  • Is this something that was perscribed by a obgyn or a primary care physician? I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18... I'm now going on 25 and I weigh the heaviest I've ever been. I've been dieting and working out like a crazy person with no success - I did lose 3 pounds in one month but still the heaviest I've ever weighed. I've been reading about metformin - I'm not trying to get pregnant just yet though. Does anyone know if I can stay on BC while taking metformin? I guess it's time to make a doctor appointment for me.
  • I took metformin and it was AWFUL. I felt terrible. Then I read all the lasting side effects of long term use, including cancer. I stopped taking it. I'm on yaz now and for the first time ever, my ovaries were clear on my last ultrasound. My cycles are still messed up, but that is from my thyroid.
  • FranWins
    FranWins Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Jessika! I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. I've been on Metformin for almost 2 months, and (with continued healthy eating and mild exercise) I have been steadily but slowly FINALLY dropping weight. Also, last month I finally had a period (I hadn't had a cycle in over a year).

    The side effects were very uncomfortable the first two weeks, but after a few weeks the body gets used to it and it gradually becomes less severe. It's definitely worth discussing with your doctor. I don't plan to stay on Metformin indefinitely, but so far it has been working with helping me lose weight and control food cravings.
  • FranWins
    FranWins Posts: 26 Member
    I just started taking it regularly for my PCOS and it's the WORST. I constantly feel nauseous and have..bathroom issues. I can't eat anything and I'm always dizzy.

    If I stop taking though, say for a week, I will start gaining weight. My question is: Does anyone have a similar experience or a success story taking it?
    I'm just wondering if it's worth it for me to stay on it.

    I've been on it for almost 2 months, and it has enabled me to lose weight and seems to be having a positive effect on the PCOS. The bathroom issues get better as your body adjusts to taking the medication, though I am concerned that you are reporting dizziness. This may be due to the fact that Metformin lowers blood sugar - are you eating properly balanced meals (i.e., adequate amounts of protein, fruits, vegetables and some whole grains). When you feel dizzy, try drinking a few ounces of orange juice. If that helps, the dizziness is likely just the drop in blood sugar and you need to adjust your diet to keep that balanced. In either case, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. I've had success with Metformin so far, but not everyone does.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i take metformin for my insulin resistance..i did have similar problems when i first started it but now it really helps!! no more dizzy spells or bathroom problems..i would suggest still take it..
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm on 2000mg a day for diabetes.

    The stomach issues, yep I experienced those for a few months at the start but they gradually went away. Make sure you're taking it with food.

    The dizziness is more concerning. It could be pushing your blood glucose too low and giving you hypoglycemic episodes. Next time you get dizzy chug a half glass of full sugar orange juice and see if you feel better. If you do then it could be sugar related and you should talk to your doctor about keeping an eye on it and how to manage it.
  • I have been on Metformin off and on for the last nine years for PCOS. I say off and on because I didn't take it during three pregnancies and subsequent breast feeding. The first time I went on it, I had terrible stomach ailments for about a week. After the first pregnancy, when I went to start the Metformin again, I took a whole day off and turned down all invitations to leave the house because I was sure I would have the same reaction. But that time, I had no side effects. Since then, I haven't had any side effects except when I eat a bunch of junk (grease mostly) and then the trips to the bathroom start. You didn't mention what your dosage was, but after the first pregnancy the doctor started me on a lower dose because she said starting on a higher dose can create stomach ailments. When TTC, I was on 850 mgs x 2 a day. Now 500 mgs x 2 a day.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i was taking it for pcos - my dr started me on half a pill twice a day to get my body used to it so that i didnt have the bathroom issues and such..then i bumped it up to 2 a day.
    i never noticed it helping with the weight loss or any other of my symptoms.. and i actually think im doing better now without it. i took it for close to a year IIRC
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I take it for my type II diabetes, and at first I had some stomach issues with it, but now my body has seemed to adjust and it doesn't mess with my stomach like that anymore. But maybe that dosage is too high for you, you should definitely talk to your doc about the side affects and then you guys can decide what needs to be done.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I have been on it before - had some bathroom issues.
    I started on 500 mg if I remember correctly, and gradually increased (don't remember what my final dosage was).

    I took it while TTC #2, haven't taken it since I got pregnant in spring 2009. I have been doing pretty well with weight loss so far, but in the past it was definitely a struggle. I don't know what I'm doing differently that is "making the difference". I try to limit my carbs (rarely eat bread, etc) but I do eat them, I quit drinking pop all the time (still have one occassionally) and I take 2000 mg of Cinnamon a day, which is rumored (I'm not going to say proven b/c I'm not 100% sure) to help regulate blood sugar. I dunno - maybe it's one, or a combination...or none of the above. I've had 2 kids since then ~ and didn't need Metformin w/ #3...

    Oh - and with #2 - I failed 2 out of 3 on the 3 hr glucose test for depending on which dr you ask, I was either GD or borderline, so I had to watch my diet. With pg #3 I passed the 1 hr test (which I didn't do with either of my other pregnancies) who knows...

    It's all so confusing at times, which is why I'm *really* happy that my weight loss is going great right now but also terrified of getting to the point again where nothing comes off.

    Best of luck ladies!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Yes. Doctors are idiots - they should have explained that metformin does that to almost everyone. Try this

    Half a tablet before you go to bed for 2 weeks. You will still have an upset stomach in the morning, but once you've been it should be fine the rest of the day.

    Increase dosage in fortnightly steps, half a tablet at a go evening, lunch, morning until you're up to your prescribed dosage.

    I learnt the hard way - took me 3 attempts over many years because I had no-one to tell me how to approach it, and I thought my stomach was going to implode every time I took one!

    Good luck, and MSG me if you want more detailed advice :)
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello.. I have been on metformin on and off for about 4 years now..It really is a miracle drug for me.. I stopped getting my period all together when I dont take my metformin..I have really bad insulin resistance and I also have pcos. Metformin is the only drug out there that is for insulin resistance people that doesn't cause major weight gain... without metformin I'm not sure if my cycles would ever be regular enough to get pregnant..I find that if I eat high sugar one day that it will cause me to have bathroom issues as well the next day. If I eat a well balanced diet while I'm on metformin I dont have any issues. If your consuming alot of high sugar or high calorie foods while taking metformin it is not uncommon to exsperience diarria...good luck & it takes time for the medication to get into your system and to adjust to it.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I would request the XR version of metformin - much fewer stomach effects for me.