Thyroid and blood sugar issues

Hi everyone! I just joined MFP a couple of weeks ago. My blood sugar has been running high lately and I also found out that my thyroid is enlarged. I have been exercising every day and tracking my food intake. I am always under my calories for the day. My problem is that my weight fluctuates like crazy, and its not coming off at all. Any advice? Has anyone else had this problem?


  • anyonebutmehaha
    this is more complicated than ppl over internet can answer for you.
    ***does your dr know that your BG's have been running high?***
    it sounds like you *might* need a med adjustment (just taking wild guess of course since no one has access to your medical records here ,lol), i dunno. but i would strongly suggest a dr visit asap if your blood sugars are running too high, you know the damage that can cause. maybe your dr can give you a referral to a RD that can help your build the best possible diabetic friendly diet?

    btw- it is practically impossible to regulate BG's if thyroid function is off (well i should clarify that by saying it is for animals, i cannot say w/ 100% certainty the same holds true or humans but i don't see why it wouldn't). since you just recently found out your thyroid is enlarged addressing that is critical not only for your diabetes but your BP issues too. plz visit your dr (an endio i'm assuming) asap so you can get this worked out.
    good luck!
  • jennykcmo
    jennykcmo Posts: 101 Member
    I agree, this is a Dr. visit issue!! I have a thyroid issue as well and mine is easily solved through a small tablet (Synthroid) each day. Hope you are able to get answers soon.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yeah definitely discuss with the doctor. In the meantime, there is some online reading you can do to prepare for your doctor appt. I was doing some research myself and came across this:
    Not sure how correct it all is but interesting nonetheless..
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    You didn't really paint a very clear picture regarding your thyroid and blood sugar issues. I'm assuming you're under a doctor's care for those two conditions? Hormonal issues aside though, we also can't see your food diary to give you any advice on dietary reasons why your weight loss isn't going as expected. One thing--and this might seem really simple--is to make sure you are being as accurate as possible with your food diary. This means weighing or measuring whenever possible, double checking food labels, and recording everything. Sometimes people do not log in their food accurately and underestimate their calorie intake. If you aren't accurate, you could be consuming a lot more calories than you think, and actually not be in that much of a caloric deficit (if at all), therefore not losing weight. :flowerforyou: