HELP! Calorie/workout question??

Happy New Year all! I have a question, probably a stupid one but I need an answer lol. I have been sticking with 1200 calories a day. I have not been going to the gym because of back issues I was having. I want to start going back to work out, however I am confused. I was told that I should eat the calories that I burn. Such as, if I burn 600 calories at the gym, I need to eat an extra 600 because I should not be below 1200 for a day. I don't want to increase my calorie intake beause I did have the lap band done two years ago and 1200 is the max goal I should be eating. I guess I am confused, I hope this makes sense. I just don't want to "starve" my body if I am working off half the calories I eat.


  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    :( This seems to have a lot of mixed messages around it.... If you search it, you'll see a TON of opinions... I'll give you my philosophy on this. If I am hungry, I eat. I imagine that a stomach growling will never help me in the long run, so I listen to my body. I would say eat them if you feel you need them.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Since you had surgery I'd definitely consult your physician and ask. This is too important a question to leave up to a public forum often filled with misinformation. If it weren't for the surgery I'd say yes, net 1200 calories, but weight loss surgery is way outside my (very small) area of expertise.