Out with the old in with the new

To help kick off my good habits, Since I spend a decent amount of time playing and doing stuff online, I switched my old slumpy chair out for a balance ball chair, to keep my mind on my goal! so far i can feel a difference, my stomach muscles are already sore and my back feels better!


  • Binxy2004
    Binxy2004 Posts: 65
    To help kick off my good habits, Since I spend a decent amount of time playing and doing stuff online, I switched my old slumpy chair out for a balance ball chair, to keep my mind on my goal! so far i can feel a difference, my stomach muscles are already sore and my back feels better!
  • nwfamilygal
    nwfamilygal Posts: 635
    Sounds interesting I just might have to try it :bigsmile:
  • Binxy2004
    Binxy2004 Posts: 65
    Yeah you feel kinda wobbley at first then you get use to the un-levelness of it and continue to readjust, all the literature says it helps your core muscles! :smooched:
  • gggivens
    gggivens Posts: 46
    I have some shoes that I bought called 'MBT'- same concept. It makes your foot unstable, and uses more of your muscles when you walk. The first time I took a 3 mile walk I really felt it. The best thing though is that it also decreased the strain on my knees. I am a nurse and on my feet all day- I wear these to work and my feet and legs don't hurt.

    The best part, though, is that they make you use 19% more calories for a walk than regular shoes. All for the same action.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Binxy2004
    Binxy2004 Posts: 65
    WOW! I should get a pair of those! I'm an Expanded duty dental assistant im up and down and running all over the place that would be very effective! :love:
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