"You Guys Suck"



  • vastaphonic
    vastaphonic Posts: 1 Member
    If only you kept that note.

    Then you could blow it up like 10 times, put it in a nice frame and hang it up where every customer can see it with the chance that the jerk who wrote it will notice it.

    Put an easy to read caption in 24 point Arial: "To the jerk who wrote this on our best ever New Years, you did not make me drown in your self-pity. Instead, I swam like dolphin and you sank like a stone. May you be a much nicer person in 2012."
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    If only you kept that note.

    Then you could blow it up like 10 times, put it in a nice frame and hang it up where every customer can see it with the chance that the jerk who wrote it will notice it.

    Put an easy to read caption in 24 point Arial: "To the jerk who wrote this on our best ever New Years, you did not make me drown in your self-pity. Instead, I swam like dolphin and you sank like a stone. May you be a much nicer person in 2012."

    Oh that's good!

    As a trainer I know that I can receive 99 evaluations that say it was wonderful training, I was fun, knowledgable, great etc and ONE that says something nasty and it will destroy my day. I brood on that one evaluation. I remember I got one once that said 'well when it comes right down to it, Jackie is boring." I was devastated even though all the others were great. I know it's silly but I do understand how you feel, really and like everyone has said, try to let it go and remember the guy was probably a drunk. Probaby dumped by his friends and girlfriend and facing a lonely year.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Don't take it personally. Sometimes people are treated horribly in any type of job. I have been in a few that sucked. I just remember that they don't see me as Carrie. They see me as the Company. Public services jobs are like that. They don't think you personally suck, they think your establishment sucks. It was probably some drunk guy.

    I work for the Government. To most people I am the only representative of the Government they see so I get the brunt of it. I get dogs sicked on me, yelled at, hung up on, doors slammed in my face and once had a guy point a gun at my head and tell me he was going to kill me, another time ran off a property with a gun, never pointed at me, but was present. Once in a while I get a nice old lady who makes my day.
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    I completely understand. I work at Walt Disney World--the Most Magical Place on Earth. Unfortunately, if there's one thing this place has a tendency to teach me, it's how AWFUL people can be to people they don't know. I work in concierge at one of the Disney resorts, and we hear people swearing, screaming, and telling us how "worthless" and "stupid" we are because we won't listen to their stupid complaints and "compensate" them. For example, this is our busiest time of the year. the parks are packed, and the last time I checked, I never told ANYONE that they HAD to come to Disney. But we hear constant complaints about how busy the parks are, "my room is in THAT location!??!?!?", etc.

    But then we have amazing days. I have guests that I do the simplest things (in my eyes) for...for example, I had a guest who was a local cop. He was very excited because his girlfriend was going to be coming to Disney for the first time, they had met through a long, tumultuous situation and wound up incredibly happy together. Through all of the talking, I decided to do my favorite thing--make some magic. I got his girlfriend a complimentary 1 Day Park Hopper ticket and he almost cried. He was SOOOO grateful to me for making that little amount of magic that he came back the next day and told my manager that I completely made his vacation the most incredible one he'd ever had. I have guests like that quite a bit, and that just outweighs ANY horrible guest I could ever have.

    Never doubt that YOU have the power to make someone's day. Whether it's just through a smile or a hug, you can make them incredibly happy, especially if they've had a horrible situation. Some people, no matter what you do, cannot be pleased. Just because they became unhappy with you doesn't mean you DID anything to them, it just means they're miserable and that's not your problem.

    I loved this, it made me smile and I'm a stone hearted ***** :wink:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I think when people do things like this, they don't really give any consideration to the nature of jobs in general ie how busy you were and how hard you were trying. I am just like you, I take it really personally.

    Most of the time I don't get any feedback at all from my work (other than from my supervisers/colleagues) but every now and then a patient's family member feels the need to phone me up and yell for half an hour about how I don't care about their mum/dad/grandma etc. usually because they feel I have not put as much time in as I should have. I know I am good at my job and I know how busy we are and how and why our prioritisation system works but it still leaves me feeling like crap for weeks afterward!

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Being a cardiac crital care RN I have seen ALL kinds of people. New Years eve day I got a patient from the cardiac cath lab. He was an emergant cath which meant people had to be called into work to take care of him in the cath lab. He was assigned to me on the floor. After introductions, review of MDs orders and assessment he proceeds to tell me the doctor was an idiot and that he had told her there was nothing wrong with him. He was not very happy at all about having to stay the night related to the angiomax or blood thinner given during the cath. The next morning the MD was back in the cath lab bright and early with 3 pending cases. Well hiss a&& was out in the hallway at the nurses desk screaming at the top of his lungs complaing that the doctor should have discharged him first. So long story short there are a&&holes every where. Simply rise above it and know that you are doing your personal best.