Getting back on track!

Happy New Year to all!

Alright..I am making this public so I can be held accountable for everything! ;)

Last spring I started a journey of healthy eating and exercising.. and I was pretty successful. Lost 20lbs and made it to 150lbs! Since then, I've been on and off with the whole healthy thing, lacking motivation and the weight crept back up to 156lbs, which is not so bad but still, not heading in the right direction!

As of tomorrow, January 2nd 2012, I pledge to myself to make it to 130lbs by the summer...

Anyone with me on this?

Either way, I wish everyone success and health in the new year, whatever your goals!

Caroline xox


  • EJWoolcock
    Good luck! Print your post up and keep it with you all the time to remind yourself of your commitment. You can do it!!:smile:
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 381 Member
    I am with ya! I started my healthy eating & weight loss journey Dec. 1st which was super hard... and have succesfully made it through this past month and lost 5lbs... But this new year starting today! Things will change & I will be who I wanna be! Good luck and you can do it