Not sure when to start????



  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I've started today and in totally the same situation! I have led a very sedantry lifestyle and currently just under 22 stone so need to do something! what are the best exercises to do? i have a back condition that means I have a weak spine and tend to have discs popping in and out but know my weight will not be helping it but it doesn restrict the level and amount of exercise I can do

    I'm aiming to eventually get to 13 stone so only 9 to go! argh!

    Best thing to do is consult a physical therapist, they will give you some exercises to do, and will know how to modify regular exercises to accommodate your back. In the mean time, if you can try walking, a magnetic recumbent bikes (with the back rest), or pool aerobics (probably the best thing you can do!) & you will actually burn more fat in the pool while strengthening your muscles to support your back.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Well put tat2dmama68 :-)

    thanks x
  • meg_jesse
    Well I started to log, and what a bad day I had yesterday. Felt really down so the chocolate just piled in. Don't think it helped that I also didn't eat breakfast till late and then didn't fancy any luch and come dinner wasn't fussed.

    Well I am going to try better today. About to have either 2 slices of toast or a bowl of cereal, think it will be the toast though.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I know I will be eating out tomorrow as my mum is down and we are taking the kids to the panto, so there will be a meal there. AAAAHHHH need a little help, or do I leave it till I can commit to it properly?????

    Start today! If you leave it until you can commit to it properly you will never start, believe me! I've been there many times!!! We all have occasions that crop up from time to time where we can't stick to the program but the odd day here and there doesn't make much difference if all the other days you stick to the plan. You will also learn how to eat out without going overboard as time goes on. Log everything you eat on your "bad" days or "treat" days too because that will help you to learn just what is in different sorts of food. It doesn't matter if you go over tomorrow as long as you have learned something from it. If you can get some exercise in tomorrow that will add calories to your allowance so that you won't go over by quite so much. Exercise is a great help in weight loss.

    Start today and don't worry about tomorrow too much. If you go over just carry on and you'll do better the next day. Good luck with it and enjoy the panto tomorrow :happy:

    edit: Another thing you can do on days where you are eating out is to allow yourself the number of calories you would need to maintain your weight (in my case an extra 500). This means you can enjoy yourself and have more than you would sticking to the plan but you shouldn't gain either and it will help to stop you going too overboard.
  • MaudeBeige
    start today, because yesterday you said "tomorrow" ;-)

    I love this!!! (Didn't know anybody was listening when I was talking to myself!!)

    I just started logging and found that it made me more careful... The first couple of days were a shock!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Well I started to log, and what a bad day I had yesterday. Felt really down so the chocolate just piled in. Don't think it helped that I also didn't eat breakfast till late and then didn't fancy any luch and come dinner wasn't fussed.

    Well I am going to try better today. About to have either 2 slices of toast or a bowl of cereal, think it will be the toast though.

    Well done on starting = that's the most important thing, not what you actually ate, as that bit will come in time. Good luck with your journey!