Looking for friends to lose 100 pounds with



  • annabelle125
    annabelle125 Posts: 5 Member
    Well, I have at least 110 lbs to lose. As you can see, I have been a long time member with little success. I really have not tried any weigh loss things in about 1-1 1/2 years, sooooo.
    I am here AGAIN. I think it will stick this time for a number of reasons. I will try adding everyone as friends :)

  • I have about 150 to lose, I would really like a motivational buddy. Please add me my email is Dipstyck@aol.com. Just put MFP in the subject so I don't delete you :smile:
  • I have 95 more lbs to lose! :) Add me if you would like to join my challenge of loosing 35lbs by July!
  • sweetpea0727
    sweetpea0727 Posts: 11 Member
    45 pounds lost so far, would love to lose about 119 more! seems like it cant be possible but if you push yourself you can do anything! will add you to help you with support :)
  • Hello all- I am just starting out and have about 110 to lose-
  • I need to lose 110lbs i think!

    With support you can do it, also being honest with yourself really helps too!

    I have added some people already :) Feel free to add me too, i really need inspiration and friends that have similar goals to me!
  • I have 167lbs to lose I am starting Tuesday Jan 3rd. I have gone up and and down past two years now I need to go down. Plan on staying on here everyday.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I have a little over 100 to lose! Feel free to add me anyone.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I had 110 pounds to lose, I've lost 60 pounds so far, I have another 50 pounds to go. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other. Anyone else, that is interested in being friends can also add me.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Hello everyone! In 12 days it will be two years that I typed the same message that the majority of you have typed in this thread! I can say is that "it is possible!" "you CAN do it!" I have lost 115 pounds, went from barely being able to slow walk 15 minutes to working out, pretty intensely, 6 days a week, and in fact I am in training for a 10k in May! The thought of fast food makes me sick and I will choose a piece of fruit over candy about 99% of the time. My mind set is so different about food, now! Instead of living to eat, which I most certainly did, I eat to live! I know the daunting feeling each and every one of you is feeling but the rewards of fitting into smaller clothes, feeling so much better, getting rid of aches and pains, sleeping better, and being proud of yourselves is 100% worth each and every day you are going to experience! This truly has to be one day at a time and having support from one another helps, a lot! Something I always kept, and still keep, in mind is "THE ONLY WAY TO FINISH IS TO START!" You can all do it, just commit to changing your lifestyle, not "dieting!" Here's to a much smaller you one year from today, everyone!
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    Currently I am in the 250's..started at 300..anyone here can add me. Needing support for a challenge I got myself into. I agreed to run/elliptical/bike 1 mile per "like" that my staus got. I have to do 47 miles in January and 47 in February!! I have 5 kids and have been married for going on 10years. Always been overweight..starting when I got pregnant at 16. Then a pregnancy/breastfeeding every 2 years for almost 9 years... Anything else just ask!
  • 104 here! start weight is 234. my goal is 130 by january 1, 2013. so my plan is to lose 2lbs a week (reasonable). that's this years goal. next year i plan to turn all of that wonderful 130lbs into a fitness competing machine. (p.s. i'm 5'2'')
  • I know plenty of people who have lost 100, 200, 300 and even 400 pounds.

    If you are interested in finding out more, send me an email to info@nutritiontherapy.ca or call me at 905-239-3485. I can connect you with some of the people who have lost this kind of weight. You could join a life transform challenge with big cash prize, even bigger than the biggest loser contest. As a Nutritionist, I recommend my clients to do this program because it works and there is a huge community of people to cheer you on.
    A few of us coaches are having a weight loss coaching program starting Jan. 7th but the pre-call is Jan. 3rd at 9:30 p.m. EST.

    The company gives you a 30 day money back guarantee
    All the best,

  • I have a good 100lbs to lose until I'm at my goal weight. But I mean I'll be greatful if I lose just 80 more.
  • johnstegeman
    johnstegeman Posts: 37 Member
    I'll send you an add. 100 is my dream goal.
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have 100 lbs to lose.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I have 195lbs to lose. Feel free to add me if you'd like as well as anyone else who'd like too. I'm all for encouraging and pushing each other to our goals! We can do this!!
  • waggonerm
    waggonerm Posts: 1 Member
    You sound just like me. I need to lose 100, but this year I am going for beating my sister at weight loss from last year. She lost over 48 lbs. last year with help from this site. I am gonna beat her, I hope. Wish you luck too.
  • Hi all, I'm new to myfitnesspal and also have 100 pounds to lose. I'd appreciate all theat would and me as a friend, I need all the support I can get!

    Thanks Cheryl
  • I'm also in the boat, so if anyone wants to friend me on here. The more the merrier.