irregularity and weight loss

Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I've had a problem with constipation the last 6-7 years, and have suspected that regularity would help me lose my weight. I used to go once a week if I was lucky - and I could drop 2-5 lbs in those few minutes! Well, I had my gallbladder removed and now my liver is dumping enough bile salts to make me regular! (It took three weeks for it to kick in though.) Yay! I have searched the internet and cannot find anything about it. Do any of you know if there is a link here?

It seems to me that the longer the body holds onto the waste, the more fat and stuff it could absorb. What are your thoughts and what is your experience?


  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I've had a problem with constipation the last 6-7 years, and have suspected that regularity would help me lose my weight. I used to go once a week if I was lucky - and I could drop 2-5 lbs in those few minutes! Well, I had my gallbladder removed and now my liver is dumping enough bile salts to make me regular! (It took three weeks for it to kick in though.) Yay! I have searched the internet and cannot find anything about it. Do any of you know if there is a link here?

    It seems to me that the longer the body holds onto the waste, the more fat and stuff it could absorb. What are your thoughts and what is your experience?
  • agapita1965
    agapita1965 Posts: 130
    Being regular is very important to me. I had to take iron supplements for a while and it would totally constipate me. Then I read about the Fiber 35 diet and now I try to eat at least 35 grams of fiber per day and am so much more regular. I agree with you the sooner what goes in comes out, the better.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Mmmmmmmmm...not sure about any specific articles
    BUt I also feel it is IMPERATIVE to go daily...the more the better :)
    Seriously though, I found too much fiber in the beginning caused constipation for me
    I had to make sure to drink TONS of water per day and green tea
    What works for me is using flax seed (and it's good for you)
    I make cookies/muffins with flax seed and add it to yogurt and oatmeal

    Good luck, kim
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I've had to deal with constipation since i was young. My doctor just recently recommended miralax, it works wonderfully, little side effects, no cramps, i take it every day by his advice. I take at night with a glass of water. This is the only thing that has worked for me.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I too have been a once a weeker since a cjild. My granny forced me to take a regimine of castor oil and prune juice cause she hust felt I wasn't normal. I don't drink coffee, I've heard that works, but not brave enough to try it. I never thought about side effects of it staing in :blushing: odd topic and I'm okay discussing:laugh:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    This is a very important topic. Regularity is not only important for weight loss but overall health.

    I do know that eating fibre only actually makes the problem worse. It will constipate you. It's important to drink lots of water with the fibre for it to move.

    I used to be less regular then I started to eat lots of fruits and green vegetables. Apples is good so is a banana.

    Couple of years ago, I started eating everyday breakfast of Astro Biobest Probiotic/Prebiotic yogurt with a spoonful of flax seeds. And for a year now, I also add in a whole food called Salba, a spoonful of. ( Not sure if you guys can get Salba in the states. I live in Canada)

    Trust me, the salba is like a sweeping vacuum cleaner. It is so powerful that one time, I had to get up in the minute of the night .................too much detail I know but I'm telling you this stuff works. They even say so.

    So, my peristalsis is very good now. At least twice a day. Everyday. I also find walking improves my peristalsis alot.

    This was a very important thread. Sure, not the easiest thing to talk about but very important to talk about in terms of our overall health. :happy: :happy:
  • My irregualarity always flairs up during dieting, due to change in calorie intake. I've tried it all--laxatives, fiber pills/powders, warm water, dieter's tea, warm water with lemon...nothing has been a sure way to break the once a week cycle. Until, I stopped eating grapes and started eating berries (strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, and blakcberries). I go daily, if not more than once a day. I drink the same amount of water. I have added spinach, as well to my daily diet.

    Hope this helps someone, I've searched all over the internet for a healthy cure to irregularity and haven't found anything that works, except fruit!
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    I have ALWAYS had issues with constipation! I also had my gallbladder removed about 7 years ago and I was only 18 when they took it out (it is genetic and runs in my family). I know we aren't supposed to advertise any products on here, but I have tried everything out on the market for making a happier colon, but I have become very skeptical of mostly everything out there except this one product. It is called Renew Life Total Body Internal Cleanse. It is a 30-day GENTLE colon cleanse that uses all natural ingredients to safely promote bowel contractions and movement of compacted feces in the colon. I am not a doctor, but my friend who works at a natural food store and actually studies these sorts of products, swears by them. I also swear by them after I tried it. I have been very regular ever since I did the cleanse (2-3 bowel movements/day!). I also lost about 5 lbs in two weeks just from the stuff that was compacted in my colon (yuck!). I think a lot of this had to do with the fact that I led a very unhealthy lifestyle for several years prior to doing this. I used to eat ALOT of processed junk and ALOT of red meat. I have pretty much taken all of that crap out of my diet and I try to eat a lot of legumes and beans for protein vs. meat. This is probably another contributing factor to my overall colon health. I feel SO MUCH better after the cleanse...this is not a testimonial! It is not too expensive and I would highly recommend giving it a shot. You will be amazed at the stuff that comes out of you....enough said!
  • Im in this club! I dont really want to be -but I am!
    Im a once a weeker since childhood - I can relate to the post about castor oil and prunes...been there.
    I too can have a bm and lose 2-3 pounds from a weigh in before.
    I am not in pain because of this, it does not bother me and most times I rarely think about it. I get the urge and soon after go - but it isnt a big deal.
    BUT - I have a family (my husband and 4 kids ) that are extremely regular! and Im beginnig to wonder how this will effect my health. My doctor has only said eat more fiber or drink more water but it doesnt help.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    wow i eat the prunes that come package. i eat about 2 a day and i usually go right after. coffee does help sometimes but not all/ but just find what is right for you. just don't over do it on fiber bc you can get constipated you must drink alot of water/
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    "Regularity" is such a broad term. What's regular for you may not be regular for me. It can be "normal" to go 2-3 times a week or 2 times a day -- it just varies from person to person.

    When I made my lifestyle change I immediately noticed I was using the bathroom *LESS* often. 2-3 times a week, maybe. This is, I assume, because I'm eating healthier foods my body can process more efficiently and completely. I had problems with actual constipation when I was a child and what I experience now certainly isn't it. Also,I think it's really normal to lose 2-3 pounds when you use the bathroom. That's not really very much weight.

    I eat 25-30 grams of fiber every day and always drink over 80 ounces of water each day. It just takes a couple days for my body to build enough waste to bother with elimination. :laugh: Hooray, efficiency!
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