Help - 22 stone and limited exercise capability!



  • maxdjax
    Out of hospital thankfully and can now stand so going to attempt to get on the scales tomorrow - yep, dreading it as I know I'll have put weight on but wonder how much! just as long as I am lower than my original weight, I'll be happy! Exercises are going to be light but regular which should help!
  • missvicky37
    Hi there ,
    I was reading your post and it's pretty much exactly me i'm 21 and a half stone and ive had enough of being overweight !!
    Everytime i try to exercise i do it for 2 days and then give up , i don't have any motivation , i also try to walk a little way and my back hurts at the bottom , i need to get my stamina back and lose alot of weight before it gets worse .
    Last year i went down to 18 and a half stone just from my job at the time cleaning but now i'm a stay at home mum i have just put 3 stone back on :(
    I won't go to the gym now because i feel so overweight and i won't get a swimming costume on and bare all at a pool so i feel so stuck , all i know is ive had enough and if anyone has any tips to start me off i would be very grateful.
  • missvicky37
    I forgot to also say i have polysystic ovarian syndrome a condition that causes weight gain due to your insulin levels being so high and your metabolism becomes slow and many other issues ar e a result too from this condition !!:ohwell:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Walk. Seriously, walking and upper body strength training is all I do...early on it was just walking. And I've lost over 170 lbs.

    I will say that as I've gotten in better shape the walking on fairly level streets progressed to walking further distances, then to walking on hilly streets, then to cross country hiking and has now progressed to 10 mile+ mountain hikes every weekend and an average of over 11,000 steps a day. But that was gradually. I started with a mile a day.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    swimming is a great workout and the best thing when you have injuries or situations that prevent you from doing higher impact workouts. Also, simply walking is a great place to start.

    Best of luck to you!
  • missattitude57
    I think I would be better with more practise - the pain can be very minimal for months but then render me having to work from home and in the same place all day! I do find the bottom of my back kills after a short time walking but accept that is probably down to lack of doing it!

    I had this same lower back pain when I first started walking and there is nothing wrong with my back, it was just my body getting used to a proper posture I think! So, unless it really hurts even after you've ended your walk, keep on doing it! Honestly, the pain went away after about a week of getting out even for just half hour walks. Start at a slower pace, just getting yourself out the front door is 80% of the battle! I started 6 weeks ago at 330lbs which I think converts to about 23.5 stone and I'm down to 318 or 22.7 stone without doing anything crazy! I've also known people who didn't exercise for the first month or two and just focused on not going over their daily calories and that worked for them and let them lose a bit of weight to make exercising easier. Trust me, even if you have no motivation to go for a walk, I've realized that I always feel better at the end :) Feel free to add me if you need some motivation and best of luck!! :)