Active Jobs and Exercise

Does anybody else have an active job so that they count their hours at work as exercise?

I am required to lift, move, hurry, and be on my feet constantly moving all day at work. I usually count this on MFP's exercise tracker as "housecleaning'. But sometimes after work that may mean I burnt around 1100 calories. Is this correct? Should I count this as exercise on the MFP tracker?

I've been counting it so far and I've been losing weight...but I thought I should ask and see if/how other people count their jobs.



  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Does anybody else have an active job so that they count their hours at work as exercise?

    I am required to lift, move, hurry, and be on my feet constantly moving all day at work. I usually count this on MFP's exercise tracker as "housecleaning'. But sometimes after work that may mean I burnt around 1100 calories. Is this correct? Should I count this as exercise on the MFP tracker?

    I've been counting it so far and I've been losing weight...but I thought I should ask and see if/how other people count their jobs.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Does anybody else have an active job so that they count their hours at work as exercise?

    I am required to lift, move, hurry, and be on my feet constantly moving all day at work. I usually count this on MFP's exercise tracker as "housecleaning'. But sometimes after work that may mean I burnt around 1100 calories. Is this correct? Should I count this as exercise on the MFP tracker?

    I've been counting it so far and I've been losing weight...but I thought I should ask and see if/how other people count their jobs.


    Don't count your job as exercise. Set your daily activity level as active instead (in the goals section). Exercise should be over and above your daily activity. Don't worry, MFP will calculate in your exertion from daily activity when it calculates your goals.
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Here's the problem. I don't work the same hours every day and I may only end up working a couple days a week; so it's not a daily activity. I may work 3 hours one day and 7 the next. I also do exercise above this....but I figure if our BMR is set to no daily activity...I should have to count this as activity right?

    I also walk 4 miles every single day and I recently started doing 10 min of yoga in the morning and at night. So I figure I am getting plenty of other exercise.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    if it's erratic, that's different. But you really should be wearing an HRM to find out how many calories you are actually burning for this. Remember, the exercise calories posted on MFP (or anywhere) from an exercise are VERY rough estimates and can be off by hundreds of calories per hour. The only way to tell for sure is to wear an HRM and get your actual calories burned (don't forget to subtract your normal calories/hour expendature from this)