Cipralex users?

Anyone out there take Cipralex? Over the summer I was weaning off and the weight melted away. Had to go back up on. My dose and I've gained even more than what I was at before. It's very frustrating. I'm leaving the dose alone now and working to lose it while on my meds. Wish I didn't need them! But without, I'd likely be a suicidal skinny chick. No point in that!! I've accepted that I will likely need to take my meds forever, which is ok. Anyone out there have issues with antidepressants and weight?


  • internationalmf
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Are you saying that the medication in itself causes a weight gain, or that your response to it etc leads you to eat more or exercise less or something ?
  • internationalmf
    Day 2 of 5mg/day.
    Lethargic, fuzzy feeling, zero appetite.
    I was afraid I was going to gain weight- as per some of these forums...but I have zero desire for food only on day 2
  • internationalmf
    I thought this would be helpful for some people searching (as I have done myself):
    It took me a little while to decide to take it after reading side effects and I thought I had made the wrong decision during the first two days but I'm very pleased with the results on day 3.
    With respect to diet- it curbed my hunger. I can understand why this is a drug for anxiety and OCD- it kind of chills you out. If binge eating is a result of your depression I think it will stop. However if you tend to eat more when you are happy then I believe you may gain weight. Side effects are different for everyone. I disagree with many people that Cipralex will make you gain weight. I think it depends on the root cause of your eating and exercise habits.
    I am an emotional eater and I only exercise when I'm happy. This helped temper my emotions to stop binge eating and made me feel a lot better- less anxious and able to get out of the house and move.

    My experience:

    Background: Chronic depression, OCD (washing hands, cleanliness, orderliness), ED (prior anorexia, bulimia and binge eating). Have been able to manage all in the past and none of them too prominent but there is a rare occasion where they will surface.
    Medication: Cipralex 5mg/day
    Reason for taking it: Depression - unable to leave bed, unable to do work and binge eating.

    Side Effects:

    Day 1-2: Dry mouth, feeling "high", lethargy, yawning, dizziness, "zombie" effect (All slight but serious enough to not be able to work). Noticeable numbness to general social anxiety. Apathy. Appetite suppressed. Don't really know the difference between tired or hungry.

    Day 2: Realization that my OCD has disappeared and able to cope better in social situations. Stopped obsessing and actual inability to dwell on one idea.
    Feeling more positive about my body-image. Inability to dwell on negative thoughts.
    I notice that I didn't even realize how much OCD I still had. I thought I had recovered/ successfully managed it because I didn't wash my hands constantly anymore and I didn't seem to notice my hyper-cleanliness as a problem. I didn't think it got in the way of my work/lifestyle. However, on Cipralex I notice that I don't even think of those things anymore. I can handle a sink full of dirty dishes and not feel compelled to clean it right away or feel dirty or guilty for not cleaning it right away.
    I also notice that I do not think about food anymore or obsess about it. I used to spend a lot of time thinking about food (what to eat, how much to eat, counting calories, finding something that would satisfy my craving, figuring out WHAT I was craving etc). I notice I don't experience guilt around food. I don't feel bad for eating something not nutritious. I don't overeat and I don't restrict my choices to food (more willing to try new options or options I would not have been willing to try before).

    Day 3: Feeling amazing. Not sleepy and a lot of energy without caffeine. Motivated to get up and get out of the house. Much more social and want to connect with people. Still not doing work (in fact, I'm writing this instead).
    I am finding social situations easier and I have more competency in navigating normative social situations. Talking in a cheerful manner much more easy.
    Feeling of hunger returns and I notice that I can eat for nutrition again. I don't feel like overeating. I feel fine about not finishing the food on my plate.
    I feel more social. I want to see people and feel good talking to them.

    Will keep you guys updated if you are interested.