New Years Resolution! Semi-Vegatarian to Vegan



  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I've been veggie for over 10 years now. Tried being vegan once, I think I love my yogurt and cheese a little too much, though I'm lactose intolerant and can't stand eggs, so I suppose I'm not too far off.
    It's a challenge, the biggest one is going out to eat with friends/family and having to be the "difficult one" because there's nothing on the menu for you or being sure that if you're invited for dinner somewhere you don't have a non-vegan dish put in front of you. Also watch out for overloading on soy...a bit is fine but it mimics estrogen and can increase the growth rate of cancer cells (but it's not a carcinogen itself)
    Getting rid of animal products a great choice...don't let the nay-sayers tell you you're not getting enough protein, or you need meat to's rubbish.
    If you're looking for a good cake recipe has a vinegar based recipe I've been using for years. It's really good, and if you're looking for variation the chocolate can be swapped for just about anything. I've used bananas, mangoes and cinnamon.
    Good Luck!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    oops, sorry about my link, that's actually for vegan chocolate chip cookies...also pretty good...the cake recipe is