Hi hello and hey


Hi guys and gals....my name is Mary and I live in Pa and its cold and snowy. The past year I have lost weight and put it back on. I am in the process of having lap band but am at odds with my decision. I have had most of the tests and am currently finishing up the 6 required doc visits, with 2 more to go. I have yet to have a sleep study, which I really do want because according to my hubby I snore something awful.

I weigh lbs and am 5'5, this weight gain I am carrying it in the belly and neck (yuck) and some in the hips which I can really feel and I really hate it, I tell hubby to grab the handles anmd shake them off.

I just started back up again, I am giving up diet pepsi, drinking EAS protein shakes and lots of water. I have no probs trying new foods and my exercise of choice is walking and doing the videos from leslie sansone, they worked for me before.

I have 3 kids, I am a nurse and I work nights, I figured out how to tailor my eating on the days I work, and that took a while.
My biggest prob is I think this time around I need a support team other then my family. I hope some of you on here will be tht support team.

Good luck to all.....happy new year.
