Almost Passing out because of diet?



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I was at work Saturday, I started to get very nauseous and dizzy. I work as a page in a library which means I put away everything that gets returned. I have to walk around and stand for 3 hours . I didn’t take my nausea serious since I always feel like that. I shook if off and kept going.
    I kept going to the back of the library (the children’s room) to sit down. I did this a couple times. But on a trip back everything went black. I couldn't hear, couldn’t breathe. I tried screaming but nothing was coming out. I was going to fall so I stumbled into the bathroom.
    I was shaking, sitting on the toliet. I gathered enough strength to get out and to call my parents and leave work early. I’ve been in bed since. I’ve been nauseous and dizzy. Everything aches. I had eaten half a muffin that morning which is a lot for me (for breakfast, work was at 10 to 1:30, I left at 1 though). I still don’t understand what happened to me. I missed new years.

    Today Monday, and the first day I can get up without unbearable pain in my chest and ribs. It's hard to get up without getting dizzy. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I’m scared and in pain.

    I don't knwo what triggered this and I'm afraid it has to do with my diet.

    *I cant see a doctor.
    Ive been eating less than this for months... this is a lot.

    Your meal diary shows you are not eating enough.

    Pains in your chest and passing out could be anything from anxiety to heart attack.

    Get yourself to the doctors and stop playing with your health.

    No good losing the weight if it puts your health in danger. Do that and it makes it all a waste of time.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Ok, ok, ok! Yes it does seem obvious that she is not eating enough but as the gentleman says, and as I said in my response, she should see a doctor especially as she is getting chest pains! Yes, she needs to eat more and eat healthily but chest pains should always be taken seriously even if they turn out to be nothing other than anaemia or low blood sugar because of her diet, or even a panic attack. That's all the man is saying. Please lets not argue about this, the OP asked for advice not an argument!
  • anyonebutmehaha

    How do you know the education we have or don't have? Aren't you also offering advice?

    it doesn't matter what education you do or do not have, this is the internet. yes her diet is wretched but we cannot over internet w/o having hands on data (and MD after your name) dx that her diet was sole cause of these serious symptoms. yes, it sounds logical that it is, but the fact is we simply cannot know and to assume w/ such serious, possibly life threatening (happens while driving for instance) symptoms the only *right* answer is :
    please seek out medical help asap. maybe bring a print out of your food log w/ you. let us know how it turns out~ good luck!

    ps you want to mention this line to your doctor too: "I didn’t take my nausea serious since I always feel like that. I shook if off and kept going." i don't know if you meant since starting diet or for past xx years but it is not normal to feel nauseous all the time.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    It's clear that you didn't even bother looking at her diary. It doesn't take a health professional to realize that three cups of apple jacks, a loaded potato skin, some mashed potatoes and gravy and a brownie for the entire day isn't a healthy diet.

    I'm not sure we can assume that she is correctly logging everything she eats. There may be other food items which are not listed. Either way, I think a visit to the doctor is a good idea.
  • karmaticgeek
    I highly doubt that your diet alone is going to cause you to nearly black out and suffer from chronic chest pain. You need to see a doctor now.
  • rico1923
    You need to see a doctor AND a dietitian if you are eating like this and feeling weak, dizzy, etc. I am not going to pretend to give specific advice on what you can/can't do right now but IMHO your diet needs serious re-adjustment. A doctor can help with your symptoms now (weak, dizzy, etc.) and a licensed dietitian can show you what your body needs to work best within your long term weight goal/lifestyle.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Start here
    I had eaten half a muffin that morning which is a lot for me

    Add this.
    *I cant see a doctor.
    Ive been eating less than this for months... this is a lot.

    There's your problem.

    Get help.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Ok, ok, ok! Yes it does seem obvious that she is not eating enough but as the gentleman says, and as I said in my response, she should see a doctor especially as she is getting chest pains! Yes, she needs to eat more and eat healthily but chest pains should always be taken seriously even if they turn out to be nothing other than anaemia or low blood sugar because of her diet, or even a panic attack. That's all the man is saying. Please lets not argue about this, the OP asked for advice not an argument!

    100% agree.

    It always worries me when somebody says they are having chest pains.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was at work Saturday, I started to get very nauseous and dizzy. I work as a page in a library which means I put away everything that gets returned. I have to walk around and stand for 3 hours . I didn’t take my nausea serious since I always feel like that. I shook if off and kept going.
    I kept going to the back of the library (the children’s room) to sit down. I did this a couple times. But on a trip back everything went black. I couldn't hear, couldn’t breathe. I tried screaming but nothing was coming out. I was going to fall so I stumbled into the bathroom.
    I was shaking, sitting on the toliet. I gathered enough strength to get out and to call my parents and leave work early. I’ve been in bed since. I’ve been nauseous and dizzy. Everything aches. I had eaten half a muffin that morning which is a lot for me (for breakfast, work was at 10 to 1:30, I left at 1 though). I still don’t understand what happened to me. I missed new years.

    Today Monday, and the first day I can get up without unbearable pain in my chest and ribs. It's hard to get up without getting dizzy. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I’m scared and in pain.

    I don't knwo what triggered this and I'm afraid it has to do with my diet.

    *I cant see a doctor.
    Ive been eating less than this for months... this is a lot.
    Can't see a doctor?
    I just do not believe that. I suspect you have an eating disorder.

    If not, this might be serious young lady.
    Dial 911 and get to ER if this condition persists.

    Don't mess around with your health.
  • mmcorner
    mmcorner Posts: 154 Member
    you must see a doctor, do not ignore this
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    has anyone looked at this girls's diet?? people are just throwing things out there.

    This, because you're not even getting a 1,000calories on most days, that's not safe. up your calories, and if you're losing weight, just make sure it's fruits/veggies, drink enough water as well. some nuts maybe and you're golden.

    right now, you're exercising off everything that you eat

    edit: people may not agree, but I don't advocate seeing a doctor for this. you need to just eat more. but I agree with the dietician part if you can't or don't know how to google what kinds of food are healthy.
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    You are definitely not eating enough food. You should be eating your calories up. Eating healthy meals and snacks. Having a bowl of cereal in the morning is definitely not enough. You are having spells like this becaue your body is telling you its STARVED in a sense. Eat three balanced meals everyday and if you want a snack or two.......... have an apple or banana or some sort of veggie!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You need to get to a doctor ASAP. You collapsed and have been in bed for two days and you're still in pain? You need medical attention, you don't know how serious this might be. It's not normal to always be dizzy and nauseous.
  • kazza135
    kazza135 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I totally agree with the gent who said you are playing with fire. you are playing with her life. Go and seek professional help. You shouldnt be feeling this way at all. Get off the fitness pal forum and go to Accident and Emergency now.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edit: people may not agree, but I don't advocate seeing a doctor for this. you need to just eat more.

    Based on what training and/or professional research you've done? And what sort of assessment have you done on the OP to determine she doesn't need to see a doctor?

    Good Lord.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    edit: people may not agree, but I don't advocate seeing a doctor for this. you need to just eat more.

    Based on what training and/or professional research you've done? And what sort of assessment have you done on the OP to determine she doesn't need to see a doctor?

    Good Lord.

    I agree with Vingogly. I'm shocked someone would say that!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was at work Saturday, I started to get very nauseous and dizzy. I work as a page in a library which means I put away everything that gets returned. I have to walk around and stand for 3 hours . I didn’t take my nausea serious since I always feel like that. I shook if off and kept going.
    I kept going to the back of the library (the children’s room) to sit down. I did this a couple times. But on a trip back everything went black. I couldn't hear, couldn’t breathe. I tried screaming but nothing was coming out. I was going to fall so I stumbled into the bathroom.
    I was shaking, sitting on the toliet. I gathered enough strength to get out and to call my parents and leave work early. I’ve been in bed since. I’ve been nauseous and dizzy. Everything aches. I had eaten half a muffin that morning which is a lot for me (for breakfast, work was at 10 to 1:30, I left at 1 though). I still don’t understand what happened to me. I missed new years.

    Today Monday, and the first day I can get up without unbearable pain in my chest and ribs. It's hard to get up without getting dizzy. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I’m scared and in pain.

    I don't knwo what triggered this and I'm afraid it has to do with my diet.

    *I cant see a doctor.
    Ive been eating less than this for months... this is a lot.

    Emergency Rooms must take you, even if you have not money.

    MFP is a weight loss site, and not for diagnosing what could be a serious medical issue (or nothing) Please consult a medical professional.


    MyFitnessPal provides the Website and Services for informational purposes only. THE WEBSITE AND SERVICES DOES NOT CONTAIN OR CONSTITUTE, AND SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED AS, MEDICAL ADVICE OR OPINION. MyFitnessPal is not a medical professional, and MyFitnessPal does not provide medical services or render medical advice. The Website and Services are not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional, and the information made available on or through the Website and Services should not be relied upon when making medical decisions, or to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition. If you require medical advice or services, You should consult a medical professional. YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE DOES NOT CREATE A DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOU AND MYFITNESSPAL.

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