First Time on Message Boards


I've been a mfp user for a little over a year, but I've always just accessed my food diary from my phone. This is the first time I've actually logged in and checked out the message boards. I go back and forth from being very dedicated and keeping track of every food/ diet detail to losing track and not checking in for weeks at a time. I'm a 37 yr old mother of three, with about 30 lbs to lose. I love (love, love!) to cook, read cookbooks, experiment with food, etc. and spend most of my time in the kitchen. If it were just me, I think my food choices would be fine - big veggie/ fish lover, not a big fan of junk, fast, or fried food- but with three teens and a husband that want sweets, and desserts, and constant snacks, and lots of potatoes and pasta, etc, - well, sometimes the temptation just gets too great.

Would love some friends and support to help me do this. (So new here, I'm not sure how this works...)
