Need a good support system

Hi all and Happy New Year! This year I am trying to commit to being successful in my weight loss journey. I don't want to fail! I will not fail! I'm looking for "friends" that can help encourage me, motivate me and kick my butt via messages if they notice I haven't logged in. I'm at my heaviest weight that I've ever been at and I'm looking forward to losing it. I'm tired of always being tired and not having enough energy to keep up with my three and a half year old! I NEED SUPPORT!! Please don't be afraid to friend me. If you support me I will support you!


  • blondeboms
    blondeboms Posts: 73 Member
    Hiya. I'll support you! I'm in need of support too! Finding it really hard to motivate myself to move! Spent too much time sat on my butt over xmas eating chocolates!