Over Eating



  • 0namission
    I have an issue where...i know proper amount of food to eat..after i eat it..im not hungry anymore..But to me..since im use to eating alot..it feel like a appetizer...just enough to take the hunger down a notch....i feel liek im not satisfied unless im bursting fromt he seems and wanna go to sleep...make sense? How the heck do i control this? Besides drinking lots of water..i try that....it makes me feel sloshy
    You just need to work through it.
    There is no easy answer. Drinking water won't work, and neither will eating celery or whatever.
    It's painful, hard but worth it in the end.

    I am just like that. People who don't understand what you're talking about are clueless.
    Again, you just have to punch your way through those cravings and it gets easier.

    I wondered after reading a few post if anyone got what i was sayingg u get it! im tryna find a fix for wanting to be overly full..not..be overly full but under calories hehe but i get it..no answer..just..learn to stop wanting that feeling