
I just found out I am pregnant, I went in to the settings and it does not apear you can note that anywhere. I know when I was on WW you added points, I have no clue how many more calories I need to add? I am currently at 1200/ day.

I know my 2nd question is not a food question (didn't want to repost in fitness but I will if needed). My PT is away for 10 days and my Dr is closed. I think the only thing I need to stay away from is getting my heart rate above 140? I think everything else for me is safe as I normlayy exercise. I will stay away from the TRX as I did fall once on my tummy.

Thanks for your help!


  • CanadianMag
    CanadianMag Posts: 53 Member
    Opps sorry for the typo, it appears you cannot edit a topic name!
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    First trimester, set you goal to Maintenance, 2nd and 3rd trimester set it to gain 0.5lbs per week. The whole 140 thing is a bit of a debate, its not really based on anything scientific - a good gauge is that you should be able to talk while working out. Important things are to stay cool, keep hydrated and listen to your body. In your first trimester baby is teeny tiny and well protected by your pelvis. At 7 weeks I still ski and play hockey. You'll need to adapt more as your belly grows.

    Of course everyone will tell you to "Check with your doctor", Unless you have any underlying health conditions, bleeding or a history of premature labour or miscarriage you will get the go ahead.
  • I'm in the same boat! We just found out we were pregnant over the weekend, so I'm guessing I'm about 4 weeks along. I've been doing My Fitness Pal for about two months now, and have lost about 10 lbs.....Now that I'm pregnant I want to keep eating healthy and at least maintain my weight, but still get all the nutrients for me and my baby. I hear two different theories: For the 1st Trimester, you should set your goal to "Maintain", then for the 2nd and 3rd Trimester, set goal to gain 0.5 lbs per week. The second theory I've heard: For the 1st Trimester, continue to eat your daily goal of losing, which mine is 1300/day, then the 2nd and 3rd Trimester add 200-300 calories/day.

    I'm confused now, what do I do? I think I should add, that I was about 20 lbs away from being at my goal weight PRE-Pregnancy.


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  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    I wouldn't do an intentional calorie deficit while pregnant, and definitely not as low as 1300. Your weight loss journey is now on hold, and your new goal is to try to gain only a healthy amount of weight (25-35 lbs).

    Only time will tell how your first Trimester will "treat" you. I am currently exhausted and can't let myself get hungry or I get nauseous. This is made difficult by the fact that most food seems pretty gross at the moment :( Also you may experience some first trimester weight gain simply due to breasts growing and bloating. On the other hand lots of women lose weight due to morning (all day) sickness).
  • Thanks so much for the input! I went to my doctor today and she agreed that I need to just Maintain my weight for the first trimester. So when I enter that in My Fitness Pal it says I can eat like 2400 cals/day!! That's way too much! I don't understand why it's giving me so many calories.....I think I only need to eat around 1600.

    Does anyone know why it's allowing me to eat SO MANY calories? I'm even setting my "goal weight" to what my current weight is, so I don't gain or lose any.

