I am alone



  • samantha64118
    It's absolutely important to have someone with you in this journey. I disagree with the person who says "if you really want it you'll stick with it end of story." Anyone who has struggled with weight loss knows it isn't that simple. I am blessed to have a friend who is working out with me, and helping me stay on track. We encourage and motivate each other. We don't let each other quit. This is especially important because my fiance isn't ready to be healthy, he doesn't want to work out or eat better...so in a sense, I'm on my own. Not entirely though, because I have my friend Holly.

    Anyway, feel free to add me. I would love to be your accountability partner, and let you know that you're not in this alone...all of us here want to be healthier & lose weight...we can do it!
  • ashley516
    ashley516 Posts: 63 Member
    I agree - logging in here! I also don't have much support here. I tried it once before but ended up giving up. This time I'm 100% serious as I have the best reason in the world to do it now but everyone here just kinda laughs at me and says "yeah, we'll believe it when we see it" so I'm in the "alone" boat too. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like - I'd love to support you on your journey!!
  • Windchild
    Windchild Posts: 129 Member
    I live with a houseful of people, but I am the only one trying to lose weight. It's hard with everyone else eating chips, lots of my favorite fried foods, snack cakes, candy, ect. Temptations to cheat galore. So I'm pretty much alone in my journey.

    I have found that logging and having friends here on MFP have been an enormous help. So, just log and find some people on here that can help motivate you and you'll do fine.
  • lvk82
    lvk82 Posts: 21
    Thank you guys soo much!! I have never heard so many people be so nice to someone that they have never met!! I hope that I have the will power and the strength to stay the course! Day two is going well!