75 pounds or more to lose++!!



  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    I need to lose about 150# :smile:
  • wuzzi
    wuzzi Posts: 39 Member
    So many fantastic people! I need to lose about 100 but have set my goal at 70. This way I will be at a comfortable weight and the total doesn't seem so bad. I definitely agree with choosing little goals. For instance, I'm trying to lose 2.5 lbs by Friday and so far it's working! Good luck. :)
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Have any of you found it hard to talk about your actual weight?

    I finally told my daughter how much I weighed and made me brak down in absolute tears.
    But now that I've finally confessed it to one person it seems a little easier to talk about.
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    I weigh in about 370 more or less but I am a man and could care less who knows, my wife on the other hand I haven't a clue. She guards that number more effectively than the Army guards Fort Knox. And I value my safety to much to try real hard to find out. :smile:
  • ltsoccermom
    I refuse to tell anyone how much I weigh. My husband does not know he is worried about me but I still won't tell him and he won't ask. He does know I am trying to do something about my weight for me not for him which makes him happy to see me working on it. He is 6'2" and about 150 pounds. He says he has picked up about 10 lbs in the past year and he wants to eat healthy with me for support. You can be skinny but not eating or exercising right so he is even motivated by my new hope for the healthier lifestyle.

    My bike group is out for a 6 mile ride on Sat then to follow up with a 51 mile on Sunday. I am going on the Sat ride and see if I can figure out how to do maybe 18 miles of their 51. I did 8 miles of VERY HILLY ride so I should be able to do a flat 18. This bicycle club support is really getting me motivated to make sure I am out exercising. I did a 4 mile 1st ride this past Sat and yesterday 8 miles because I got lost on the Greenbelt and ended up nowhere near where I should have been. No cell phone to call and with the sun setting soon I told myself I just had to get back on my bike and ride it or walk up a hill if I had to but get moving none-the-less.

    I just heard on the news that Jan 21st is when most of us give up on our goals for healthier living. Let's beat those odds together!

  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Since February 2007, I've lost 45 lbs...I'd love to lose 80 or more....but truth be told, I struggle with this so much everyday that I'm happy with every single lb lost. If I only lost 30 more I'd be happy happy happy!!
  • Junie05
    Junie05 Posts: 26
    I used to be so afraid to mention what my actual weight was, and then I decided to challenge my 15 year old step son to a weight loss battle by May of this year (we both have birthdays that month). Well, I made a graph with our weights on it, waist measurements (also hips for me, chest for him) and plastered it on the front of the refrigerator. I almost felt relief to have it out in the open - I mean, who was I kidding by not saying the numbers? As the guy on the Subway commercial says in regards to the guy's rear end...."oochie mama!" Anyone who could see my backside could guess pretty close to what I weigh! Now I feel that I'm 100% honest with myself, and that's part of the emotional baggage that I think we all have in regards to the weight.
  • mshilara23
    mshilara23 Posts: 6 Member
    Kudos to everyone who has lost weight. Keep up the great work!

    I've lost 92 of the 112 lbs. I want to lose. I'll get there, hopefully by summer. I look forward to being down another 50 lb. chunk on the doctor's scale :)
  • asg301323
    Consider me in your boat. I am trying to loose 80 and right now am trying to limit my intake to 1200 calories a day. It is very hard. I had a bad day Saturday. I ate almost 2000 calories. ooops. I joined Sunday the 13th of January and have lost 5 lbs. asg301323
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Consider me in your boat. I am trying to loose 80 and right now am trying to limit my intake to 1200 calories a day. It is very hard. I had a bad day Saturday. I ate almost 2000 calories. ooops. I joined Sunday the 13th of January and have lost 5 lbs. asg301323

    That's an awesome start!! Way To Go!! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member

    It's amazing how you lose the sugar cravings that are so hard to get over at first. And then if you take a drink or a bite of something really sugary it's SO POWERFUL it almost makes you want to puke. Can you believe what a difference it is??? :noway:

    I SO wish this was true for me- honestly, this happened once- last easter, i was doing SOOO well, then I went and ate Easter candy, made me sick, but did I stop? nooooooo!!!!! I just love sweets and chocolate too much to stay away completely.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    I weigh in about 370 more or less but I am a man and could care less who knows, my wife on the other hand I haven't a clue. She guards that number more effectively than the Army guards Fort Knox. And I value my safety to much to try real hard to find out.

    HA! That's too funny! Well let's keep you safe and we won't ask!

    ltsoccermom: I can't believe you can ride bikes that much. Riding has always made me so uncomfortable. I've never found a bicycle seat I could actually sit on. But congrats to you for doing so well!!
    I will say that confessing my actual weight has felt like getting this HUGE monkey off my back and I feel like I'm not in denial anymore. I'll even say it here in open forum. I weigh 284 pounds. I started 3 weeks ago at 296. Just 4 pounds shy of 300. I couldn't be more proud of all of you for the progress you have made and how much MORE PROGRESS we will all have TOGETHER!!!!!!!

    asg301323: just keep on keeping on and don't try to deny yourself too much by setting your calories too low!

    mshilara23: OMG!! WEIGH TO GO!! You are an inspiration!!! What an incredible accomplishment! I want to be saying that in a year or so! I walked past the cutest little sleepytime outfits at Walmart today. They were neon green with little greena nd yellow striped shorts to go with. I wanted it so bad!!! I took just a minute to visualize myself in a size medium and looking fine with my bad self!!! What a great motivator!!

    Junie05: Isn't it funny how we think if we don't say it it won't be real! We are kind silly sometimes.

    Goochinator: WEIGH to go! Great job! I can't wait til I've gotten where you are! My jeans will actually fit without making me NOT BREATHE! You just keep up the fantastic work!
  • ltsoccermom
    Thanks Casta!

    The bike is easier on my knee than running and I don't get enough work out walking. I also use the elliptical machine at the gym. The bike is a 26" tire with a hybrid tire for trails or roads. The set is a comfy seat well padded seat. The ride is nice but I still am sore after riding this weekend. I lost 35 lbs in about 5 months doing my bike 5 days a week and watching what I eat.

    Telling my weight to my family does not help me in losing the weight. I'm not in denial it is something private. When I lose my weight I still won't tell my family but I will proudly say how much I lost and with friends I might only tell them I lost over 50 but won't tell them 80 because once they do simple math they will know I was well over 200. I swore I would not go over 200 but here I sit 30 pounds over that.

    I have a doctor appointment this week and would not go if I did not have to refill my hormone prescription. I detest the notches on the scale and hope to see it down under 150 again. I saw something yesterday that said don't say how much you have to lose because when we lose something we always want to find it and more. So they say put your ideal weight in your head and say you want to be 150 or whatever then it is a goal with a positive image. I will be digging out one of my favorite pictures after my divorce I was at 165 and looked great to post on my fridg at home. Any motivator I can find is helpful.

    Keep up the GREAT Work!

  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    I have about 80 pounds to lose.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    107. ugh.

    lost 26 so far, every ten lbs has its own challenge but I'm doing it no matter how long it takes! :wink:

    I finally confessed my starting weight tonight to my kids and mom and just saying it was shocking, I couldn't believe I had let myself get to 247 lbs, but then at the same time I know I wasn't doing anything to prevent it either!

    My advice to all with more than a few lbs is to make 10 lb goals, that makes the big picture seem a bit easier to reach. Started at 247 first goal was to break the 240's, 230's etc now if I could just get to the two teens I would be in heaven! Baby steps work.
  • Junie05
    Junie05 Posts: 26
    I spent every penny I had (plus a few more :sad: ) on an elliptical machine last night. (Sears has them on sale). But I am SO excited to get it put together and start using it!! We have a Gazelle but felt it wasn't enough of a workout, and since my birthday is coming in a few months I decided it was OK to get myself a gift of health! :flowerforyou: