Hi, new to the forums

Hello all

I've been using MFP on and off since last summer, but for one reason or another have never been very consistent. HOWEVER, post Christmas peek at the scales has shocked me into taking it a bit more seriously.

I have long term goals, but for now I just want to stay within my calories for 30 days straight....I'm sure the results will then motivate me to the next goal/s.

So, I'm 33 years old, live on the South Coast of the U.K. I have a husband and am mum to a little boy who is 3 years old. I work 3 days a week as an Employee Relations Advisor for an HR consultancy. I'm a city girl at heart, but country bumpkin husband has taught me to love the fresh air and great outdoors (mud). My main source of exercise is running, I ran the Great South Run in October, I carried on training after, but after a little bit of illness....then Christmas, before I knew it 6 weeks had passed!

I'm doing this all by myself, so will be utilising the forums in an attempt to keep committed and motivated, hope to see you around!

Happy New Year, and good luck peeps

Ruth x


  • jon2412
    jon2412 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ruth,

    Welcome to MFP - a great place for advice and support! Good job your man for getting you to love the country!

    No way could I do a run like you - ankle injury and just not fit enough but I am aiming to pedal my way to health.

    Anyway great place to be. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Good luck Ruth! I'm having a stab at walking 100 miles in January. Seemed a good place to start with some town and some country walks. Got to average about 3.2 miles per day but it is cheaper than swimming!

  • curvy_ca_mama
    curvy_ca_mama Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site to get support and motivation! Feel free to add me :)