Hello everyone :)

hi everyone!!

My name is Katie. I am 18 years old. I had never really struggled with weight until my mother died 2 years ago...since then I have just been putting on the pounds. I have been saying and saying that I am going to get on top of it,,,,now it is a new year with new beginnings!!!! I think my life would be a lot better all around if I lost a few pounds. I don't want to be stick thin; I just want to feel good about myself. Feel free to chat, I wish everyone lots of luck!!! We are all beautiful!


  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    Hello Katie :) I'm very sorry about your mother. I'm glad you're getting your life back on track! Best of luck + have fun on your journey to being fit and healthy. Feel free to add me if you like! :*