Eating out.

Happy New year everyone. I've been a member since august 2011....but never really got involved with MFP. My my adult daughter has been pushing and nudging......I think cause she seen how big I had gotten throughout the our Thanksgiving visit.
ANYWAY...I'm now hooked on MFP. I'm a newbie. Here's the problem...I am away from home 8 days a month and have to resort to eating out ALOT. When I work during the day I eat healthy choice meals or smart ones. But at dinner time what are my choices. I do good when I can come home...but those 8 nights are BAD. Can anyone make safe suggestion on good and hopefully tasty choices to eat out. The town I work in has quite a few places to is not by a long shot the BIG city. HELP PLEASE. I've never been good at eating right. And I want to start NOW! Thanks


  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Lots of places have an online menu with nutritional info posted. Can you check out some of the places before you go?
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    Most places have healthier low cal options. You should always check before you go, maybe look up all the places you eat and make a list of healthier things they carry on their menu and keep the list with you? Also, don't be afraid to swap bed menu choices for better ones, like a salad instead of an appetizer, a grilled snack wrap at McDonalds instead of a burger...Still not as healthy as eating at home, but a lot better than ordering the super unhealthy stuff.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    You can eat healthy most anywhere... it's just harder because the temptation of the bad foods is greater. We go out to eat for lunch once a week as a family. Before MFP I'd get a big burger, fries, lots of beer, etc. Mega calories. Now I generally order either grilled fish and rice type dishes or grilled chicken sandwiches with no cheese and no mayo (I ask for mustard instead). If I can I get a side salad with low fat dressing instead of fries but every now and then if I've got the room for it in my day I'll treat myself to the fries.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Like the others said I also always check online before I go if I can. Even if there is no nutritional info posted I can generally figure out what is the safest and if I have it in my head that is what I am having before I get there I spend less time with the menu open and drooling over what I shouldn't have.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Subway fit menut.... grilled vs fried, broiled, skip the butter, dressing on the side... avoid creamy when you can - you just need to think before you eat (always easier to just order).. but once you get used to it, it becomes easier...
    plus if safe, bring walking shoes....:wink:
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Eating out is always a challenge. Don't be afraid to make special requests. Most restaurants will do whatever the can to help. Ask for half potions, sauces on the side or eliminated, steamed veggies, no potatoe, rice or pasta. Oh and don't let them leave the basket of bread on the table!
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    Due to time crunches we eat out alot, I eat everywhere mostly and just make sure whatever I eat is logged and accounted for, I have to stay away from buffets because even when I think I am being good I still always go over, I do however LOVE ruby tuesdays. their salad bar I go crazy eating tons of veggies and their low fat ranch has 50 cal in one ladle...with a little salt and pepper it is more then enough! Also their grilled zuccini is AMAZING! I carry a bottle of parkay butter spray in my purse, seriously, then you get a nice sized baked potato and use your butter spray on it! When we go to sonnys bbq ( my favorite) I will toast 2 slices of 50 calorie whole wheat bread to take with me with garlic powder and butter spray and I will get a smoked chicken breast wIth the salad bar, dip your fork in the dressing instead of pouring it on, it saves lots of calories!! Taco Bell the pintos and cheese has 170 calories, they are pretty filling and a fresco taco has 150 calories, I always try to go to places with salad bars though! You can eat mcdonalds oatmeal, salads, snackwraps, subway is a GREAT place as well, I will get a 6" sanwhich on whole wheat with baked lays or if I am really hungry I will get a salad as well! Applebees has some amazing meals for 550 calories and under, they are really good! Just try to log and account for every calorie and if you get in the red, go for a walk or try to work them off! Hope that helps!! :)
  • I've been doing the subway menu when I can. I was just looking for a change. I'll start investigating the menus. Fortunately I don't like hamburgers or soda. But I am the BIGGEST condiment person you will come across. And Real mayo is my major weakness. I do not like ketchup or reg mustard.....but anything creamy is good. And that is was I have to stay away from. Does anyone have a tasty replacement for mayo?
  • Gosh Mjsamee you have some GREAT tips...thanks Everyone!!! I've never tried that spray butter...but I will now. Now I need a tasty mayo substitution .
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Gosh Mjsamee you have some GREAT tips...thanks Everyone!!! I've never tried that spray butter...but I will now. Now I need a tasty mayo substitution .

    Kraft and Hellman's both make low-fat mayonnaise, and if you like Miracle Whip, there's a low-fat version of that, too. If they're not available in the country where you live, check your local brands.
  • thanks vingogly....I live in BlueRidge mountains of southwestern Virginia. I will have to bite the bullet ( hopefully doesn't have too many calories:0 ) and buy lowfat mayo. Kraft is my favorite
  • turtleohs
    turtleohs Posts: 127 Member
    Mom, I made the switch to the Olive Oil Mayo when I started MFP - Here is a link to the differences nutritionally.

    The difference is pretty crazy - and while it doesnt taste exactly the same its really not that bad!

    I have a hard time with Condiments too but I actually have started out measuring out based on the serving suggestion and that has helped a lot too. Before I was just using WAY too much of all the other stuff.

    Anyway - I think you should stay away from ordering Papa Johns and Arbys for sure... I have a few recipes you can make ahead and take with you that i'll send you if you want :)
  • I think my papa john & arby days are over. which do you think is better for me. lowfat kraft mayo or olive oil mayo. I'm gonna trIed that parkway spray butter. Plus I LOVE the earlier post that stated to dip your fork in the dressing ...instead of pouring the dressing over the salad.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Personally, I'd go for the reduced fat or low fat versions of the Kraft mayo rather than fat free ... I've tried fat free mayo in the past, and it's pretty hideous. The Kraft Light Mayo and Kraft Reduced Fat Mayo with Olive Oil look pretty close nutritionally though the Kraft Light has a small amount of saturated fat in it so I'd say the Olive Oil version has a slight edge.

    My personal position on "forbidden" foods is, I'm not writing anything off forever. I need to work on changing my relationship with food and see some foods (like Papa John's or Arby's) as occasional indulgences rather than staples of my diet. A dish of ice cream a few times a month isn't the problem for me ... sitting down and polishing off a pint of Haagen-Daz in a sitting is. :)

    Apologies ... from your username I thought you were from someplace more exotic than VA. My college girlfriend was from Abingdon (we're talking over 40 years ago), so I'm very familiar with the area (I was born in Alexandria, myself, and am looking at Greenville SC for semi-retirement in a few years). It's one of the most beautiful parts of the USA.
  • tfryrear
    tfryrear Posts: 3 Member
    I love to use laughing cow cheese as my spread instead of mayo. I also use it for chicken and tuna salad too, add a little milk to thin it a bit and everything else stays the same.
  • alwayswndrng
    alwayswndrng Posts: 3 Member
    I was a huge mayo fan as well. About a year ago, I started using honey mustard where I would typically use mayo or ranch. Unfortunately, honey mustard does not taste as good on everything that mayo did. At first, I really missed the mayo and ranch, but stuck to my guns. I still stick to the honey mustard and avoid condiments on the foods that do not taste good with the honey mustard. Once in a while I slip when honey mustard is not available. I started wrapping foods (turkey burger, chicken, blt, etc.) in a big lettuce leaf instead of using bun/bread. I used to be jealous of my slim husband who would be eating two of what we were having with a bun and I had a lettuce wrap. Now, it is routine and I don't worry about it as much.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    I've worked in restaurants for many years, and I have often had people ask me to bring a box out immediately with their food. Wrap half of it before you start eating!

    A good tip if you're eating something grilled is to ask for it without the grill base, ask for it without butter, etc. The place I work in now sprays the heck out of its grilled items with cooking spray. Ask them if they use it, and if so, to go very light on it. (Of course they use a little so the meat doesn't stick.)

    Ask for sauces and dressings on the side, veggies (steamed, no butter or oil) instead of french fries, plain baked potatoes, etc. The Cheesecake Factory is notorious for having the heaviest, most calorie-laden menu around, but they have a Skinnylicious menu now where everything is under 550 calories. Many of the items are regular menu items without the added condiments, smaller portions, etc.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    Oh, and avocado makes a nice substitute for mayo! Even at home I have used it in egg salad instead of mayo.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I am a huge Outback fan. One reason is that their nutrition info is awesome. I generally have half of the 6 oz. sirloin, the seasonal veggies and asparagus or brocolli. I'm on a reduced calorie diet, but eating the whole steak would put you in a good zone for regular calories. Definite agreement on dipping the salad in the dressing. But better yet, I bring a bottle of Walden's Farm dressing. They are 0 cal 0 carb dressings that are quite good. Then I can have all I want. I 86 the croutons as well.

    Almost any regular restaurant you go to, you can have grilled chicken on a salad. Omit the croutons and go easy on the cheese and it will keep you trim.

    Salmon and tuna are your friends. Get to know them well.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    This is the hardest part. SO many chain restaurant meals are in the MFP database, which is just one of many reasons MFP rocks so much. :)

    Applebees has a whole "under 550" section of their menu, whole yummy meals that are under 550 calories. Have a look in the database for meals from restaurants you frequent. You might be surprised at what is in there!