I could just scream!



  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks Claire, I think I am feeling better, just reading all these posts from everyone.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Relax - Tomorrow is a new day. Most of us have days like this from time to time. If you want it bad enough you will figure out how to get back on track. Good Luck!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    When I feel like screaming (and eating) I sometimes reach for the coffee... not saying it's a good thing. I'm actually waiting on some really good green tea in the mail that I just ordered from Amazon, to try to switch that out with the massive amounts of coffee. But, something about the ritual of grinding fresh coffee beans in the grinder, then pouring the hot water in the French press, etc... just helps me deal with urges to eat. Oh, I also quit drinking in November... so sugar and desserts were a problem right after that (and still are!), so I'm dealing not only with food urges but the fact I can no longer reach for a bottle of wine... so maybe find a drink that you can have and reach for, and use when you get urges. Good luck! Seltzer water and limes/lemons is great too...
  • I see a dietician (she recommended MFP) once a month and one of the things we talk about is the "monster" sitting on my shoulder telling me I can eat this or that or saying things like "you must be so hungry now that you have been 'good' for weeks - you deserve a little treat". or "Just one little snack won't hurt"....that kind of stuff, you know.
    Well I've decided that I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL of what goes in my mouth. So,"Betty" ( i gave my monster a name) gets told to get lost on a regular basis. Less so in recent months. I just have to remember that she is always going to be there.
    Not sure if this will help you or not but I empathize with your state of mind.
    Best Wishes,
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    Not easy eating healthy at my home, my husband loves fatty meals and won't "diet" with me. Usually when I'm doing good he brings doughnuts and stuff like that.

    I've done lots of emotional eating and yes, get a satisfaction out of that. Really working at changing that this year. Trying to focus on other activities instead of eating. I love food, but need to get healthy.

    This is the time cravings start...close to 8pm so going to walk my dog instead.

    You've done good!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks, I have a bunch of dogs. If I took them all for a walk, there wouldn't even be time to eat anything. lol
  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    I think we've all had days like that. It's good that you can put your feelings into words. I think that helps a lot. The day is almost over and hopefully tomorrow will bring some relief for your neck and your cravings.
    You're doing great........DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Cute doggie!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Love your dogs, they are just adorable!
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Wow thanks to everyone for snapping that feeling right out of me. I really feel so much better after all of the encouragement, thats just crazy. Thats amazing there are such great people to come to my aid in a time when I need it. Just love it, thanks so much :-) Going to get out doggie treats and spend some time making my dogs happy.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I get like that too. Alot. And the next thing you know...you're off the wagon for two months and have gained 15 pounds in the process. Personally I try to avoid triggers. Some you can't, like the car breaking down or something. Then I take a bubble bath and read a good book while in there. Or, video games, or kill an hour or so on the internet.

    I also plan out what I will be eating for dinner and snacks and stuff down to the letter. And that's all I buy when getting groceries.

    It's not always 100% effective. But, it does help most of the time.
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    I have trigger foods too and I also have days where I start to eat and it just opens this odd sort binge floodgate. I get really frustrated and just try to stop myself while in action, assess why I'm eating and if I really need to continue, find another action to complete other than eating and promise to start fresh the next day.
  • I have really noticed a difference in my eating habits depending on *what* I eat. If I eat fast food or junk food or soda, I usually want to overeat and binge eat all day long. But if I stick with eating healthy stuff, my body feels satisfied and it's easier to not eat the junk or only have one cookie. I have a friend who lost 95 pounds last year, and she has what she calls "trigger foods." If she eats them, she goes all out and can't stop herself and then feels guilty after. For now, she just completely avoids her trigger foods. The cookies may be one for you, so I'd recommend not buying them for awhile. Also...it helps me when MFP tells me at the end of day "If every day were like this you'd be ____ lbs in 5 weeks." If I ate well that day, I get excited about that number...if I ate poorly, that snaps me back into reality and keeps me on track. Good luck, don't stress too much we all get off track sometimes, the important thing is get right back and on and keep going strong! Maybe take an extra walk tomorrow to make up for it :)
  • Just think about how many calories all those cookies add up too and then think of other treats you could have that would be more satisfying but half the calories ie a big brownie
  • Afaida
    Afaida Posts: 142 Member
    I sometimes have a hard time making it over very important weight marks like the one on your scale that says 300.lbs., could be our self destructive ways trying to win. Do not eat those cookies. Throw them away if you must but you are doing so well. don't give yourself the old, "I blew it already might as well keep going." excuse to ruin everything. Be strong, I can tell you it will be so worth it.
  • throw them in the garbage...and spray cleaning products on them so you won't be tempted. drink some tea instead and do some sit ups...it'll take your mind off them...hopefully.
  • Give yourself time to be a "big whiny baby". You've earned it. You're right - you shouldn't have brought those cookies into the house. It may seem terrible wasteful but if I just have to have something I buy it, eat some while in the store and throw the rest out before I can take it home and empty the container. I have found that getting really close to a milestone (like your 299 lb mark) raises all kinds of crazy emotions including fear. it sounds odd but it happens to me. Maybe you need to just take some "me time" away from food. Get a massage, meditate, journal, anything that is calming to you. Then just decide to "start again". Good luck. we've all been there
  • alittlebird
    alittlebird Posts: 18 Member
    One of the differences between us and thin people is that when a healthy thin person eats treats it's not the beginning of the end. It's just a treat. Leave it at that. You are a healthy thin person in the making. Get right back on track. Don't look back. Don't feel bad. You are almost at that amazing place...under 3...I am so proud of you.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss success so far, that is awesome!

    I'm going to ask this because it has been something I have been guilty of many, many times although I don't really know why. Do you think you may be a little scared of this milestone? I have been on the road to success with weight loss, yet I'll catch myself almost trying to sabotage my own success. It's completely crazy sounding, but if I look at it objectively, that's what it is.

    I'm not saying that this is what you are doing at all, but it is a big milestone and you are very close!

    Sometimes, we just have bad days, shake it off and remember tomorrow is a new day!

    i haven't gotten all crazy with eating, but i just passed a *mind* milestone myself, 226.4 today, in 2009 i got to 227 and stopped. i think i am afraid of too much success, and actually reaching my goal weight. as long as i constantly keep this in the forefront of my brain, i can and will get past it. because just after christmas last week i was 228. the thing that i've noticed most about this experience, is how much power the mind really has. say i can do it and i will. simple, but not easy. but once i reached that point, i'm a force to be reckoned with.
    best of luck
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!

    There are many wonderful comments, suggestions and offers of support on here - I love MFP.
    My small suggestion would be to log the entire box of cookies - I find that when I am tempted to get out of control, if I log what I am tempted to eat, it shocks me into reality. Makes it more concrete. I've taken a sleeve of cookies to the couch to eat and before I did, I logged them. Ouch. It made me ask myself if I truly wanted to do that to myself.

    Anyway, good luck, you'll make it!