
How often do you weigh?


  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    To keep myself sane, once a week - every Sunday. I will "spot check" if I am feeling nervous usually on Wednesdays or somewhere in between.
  • bunnyhawk
    bunnyhawk Posts: 23 Member
    Monday morning to start off the week. Forces me to behave all week and weekend long:):blushing:
  • AriesOx
    AriesOx Posts: 66
    I weigh in officially once a week (Sundays). I do weigh myself daily, but I don't record those - it is just a check to keep me on track or get me back on track. Weight fluctuates so much just throughout a day, make sure your official weigh ins occur under the same circumstances. I like to weigh in right after I wake up. Hope this helps.
  • Everyday before Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class.