Hi everyone.

I'm new and looking for friends for motivation and to get going. I'm 5'3" and 130 lbs. My first goal is to get back down to 120, eat more fruits and veggies, then slowly get back into making exercise a top priority. I have also just recently quit smoking. :smile:


  • vaultgirlsam
    vaultgirlsam Posts: 28 Member
    First of all, congrats on quitting smoking! It's a long hard road in itself in cutting smoking habits. Just forewarning, expect to gain some weight from quitting. I gained about 10 pounds but it was also a stressful time in my life.
    And good luck with your weight loss! Adding fresh fruits and veggies is always a good idea.
  • mshortcake622
    mshortcake622 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks! :smile: Well, this is about my 4th time quitting smoking. The last time I quit for 8 months I gained 10 lbs and then some, and I've been hovering around the same weight since. Ready to get healthy and excited I found this amazing site. Also use the app. Thanks for the welcome!