1,000 calories a day?

I was wondering if anyone has had success with 1,000 calories a day. I was on 1200 for all of november and lost only 3 pounds. I am a yo yoer ,and i know in the past I have lost on 1,000...


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I don't know if it works, but I've been on a 1,000 calorie diet for 2 days now. I hope it does work, that along with exercise.
  • It's incredibly hard to sustain. You'll also lose much more muscle then fat. Maybe 1200 wasn't enough? Maybe you didn't stick with it long enough? Just trust me, right now 1000 may seem easy.... but do you want to eat that little forever?
  • Why are you trying to lose muscle? Because with that low of an intake, you will keep your fat and lose muscle. Doesn't make much sense to me! Eat no lower than your BMR!
  • WendyKing1974
    WendyKing1974 Posts: 80 Member
    I wouldn't go below 1200 calories a day. You'll lose muscle instead of fat.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was wondering if anyone has had success with 1,000 calories a day. I was on 1200 for all of november and lost only 3 pounds. I am a yo yoer ,and i know in the past I have lost on 1,000...
    Your starvation diet is self sabotage.

    EAT! And follow the MFP calorie guidelines.

    Simply stated MFP has already figured out your total calories you need to eat per day to lose 1lb etc. a week. That's WITHOUT exercise. You'll notice that when you actually add exercise in, the calorie limit goes up. Why? Because it's telling you to eat your exercise calories. Large deficits aren't really good to do because while you will lose weight, what kind of weight will it be? In many cases you'll lose lean muscle tissue which LOWERS your metabolic rate even more. Then you have to eat even less to compensate for less of a calorie burn to continue to lose the same amount of weight each week.
    Be efficient. Exercise hard and eat back the calories. The hard exercise will RAISE your metabolic rate and burn more fat at rest.
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    All I can say is exercise more/switch up your routine. 1000 calories a day is too few. Eventually you will lose muscle, and screw over your metabolism. I know this first hand.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I do 1000 a day, I talked to a nutritionist first before I did it.
    I take a multivitamin and some vitamin D, and I have to make sure I always Hit 70 G of Protein.
    Though I do have trouble staying under because I have to try to hit enough Fiber but that is doctor recommended Cause a year long hemorrhoids. With that note, Always take a ton of Fibre if you have high Protein
  • I was wondering if anyone has had success with 1,000 calories a day. I was on 1200 for all of november and lost only 3 pounds. I am a yo yoer ,and i know in the past I have lost on 1,000...

    I looked at your profile and its says in the past you have gone up and down if you do do 1000 calories a day you will go down, but it wont be healthy and you will go up again.

    3 lbs a month isnt that bad, They say 1 lb a week is the recommended weight lose.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am on a high protein diet, but I didn't know that I needed high fiber to go along with the protein. I am going to try this 1,000 calorie diet for a few more days, just to switch up my diet. I will try to get in a fair amount of walking in today, too. Thanks everyone for all your advice.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    doesnt matter about you just consuming 1000 calories a day.what matters is what are you eating and how many times a day?? if you are looking to lose weight then eat six times a day with your last meal of the evening being just protein.. i usually have a whey and casien shake before i go to bed now. eat about every three hours . this type of eating will increase your metabolism. ive lost 80lbs and when i went through a plateau i got a trainer and thats what they encouraged me to do. it was very effective. i try to stick to 1200-1400 calories a day and i lose weight on that.. plus i do my cardio and weights .drink a ton of water too.
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 82 Member
    I can say from experience that eating less really isn't going to work.

    For years I did yo-yo diets, cleanses etc, trying to keep my weight under control. Massive calorie restriction was probably the worst mistake I could have made and I'm still struggling with it now. I destroyed my stomach and made it to the point that I COULDN'T eat at all. For the last year, I've had trouble being able to eat one small meal in the course of 3 days. NOT GOOD! One would think that eating that little, I'd be thin as a twig - WRONG. I kept gaining weight because although my calorie intake was next to nil, my body ate all the muscle I require to burn fat. So, for the past month, I've been forcing myself to eat my recommended calorie intake and adjust when I exercise. I feel overstuffed - but guess what? I'm FINALLY losing! It will take me some time to adjust to eating regular meals and snacks, but I feel better already!

    I'm not implying that you're going to starve yourself by any means, just explaining what happened to me with extreme calorie restriction. Perhaps it was all just a big coincidence for me - but I'm not willing to take that chance again! I'd suggest eating the recommended amount and adjust when you exercise.

    Just my "two cents"
    Good luck!

  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I was wondering if anyone has had success with 1,000 calories a day. I was on 1200 for all of november and lost only 3 pounds. I am a yo yoer ,and i know in the past I have lost on 1,000...

    I looked at your profile and its says in the past you have gone up and down if you do do 1000 calories a day you will go down, but it wont be healthy and you will go up again.

    3 lbs a month isnt that bad, They say 1 lb a week is the recommended weight lose.

    I agree. 1200 is the minimum anyone should consume to get all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. I use to eat under 1200 calories before this site and I ended up gaining 4lbs in 2 weeks. Not worth it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Unless you are very short, 1000 calories per day is far too little for any length of time. One day here and there isn't a problem but several weeks at that level are bad for your body. Also, as soon as you start to eat more, your body is going to hang onto every calorie and you'll most likely gain the weight right back.

    I'd actually suggest eating a bit more. You'll see many stories of people here who couldn't lose weight at 1200 calories (because it was too little), upped their intake to 1400 or so and started losing weight. I'm one of them.

    ETA: This is a very good article and I'd suggest giving it a read. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/238282-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing-redux
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I was starving at 1200...I can't imagine being at 1000 or even under! In fact, I upped my calories to 1550 and ended up losing more weight. If you eat too few calories your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose a thing. Or worse...you'll lose muscle. Not good. I would google the calories you need to maintain your current weight (mine was as high as 1800 on some sites I checked) and go from there.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Is MFP suggesting 1000 calories? Seems low to me?

    Be careful and log and eat back all of your exercise calories. At such a low number I would think that you risk losing muscle mass.

    Depending on how much you want to lose follow what MFP suggests. Trying to lose more than 1 -2 lbs per week by eating less may be damaging to your body over the long run. Not to mention that "starvation" diets are regularly followed by weight gain that often exceeds the starting weight.

    Hope you find a way to work it all out.