
Hi, New to this site and not sure where to start!! I'm 37 with 3 kids, 2 girls aged 13 and 11 and a baby boy who turns 1 next week. I have decided with the start of the New Year I would finally tackle losing the baby weight I gained!! I am easily distracted and will quite easily 'fall off the wagon' so to speak so please add me as a friend and be motivational for me!!


  • Welcome, I too am new to this site, trying to figure things out. Your story sounds familiar :wink: I have a friend that introduced me to this site; she has accomplished amazing weight loss, she is a true inspiration to many!!!
  • MsD1984
    MsD1984 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm new too, already a long way through my weightloss, but happy to be of help :) x
  • Loridmer
    Loridmer Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to the site! It's a great way to keep track of your food and exercise. A great place to get support for your weight loss. We have all been there done that so lets get 2012 rocking!
  • mbatey
    mbatey Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome to the site, I havent used the community side of this site very much but I plan to use it more as just using the tool to record your food and excersize hasnt been enough to keep me motivated. Its still easy not to record everything and have a bad day so hopefully with encouragement you will suceed and enjoy the journey too.
  • I'm not new to the site, I'm just making my NY Res to keep track better and reach my goal...how original right??? NEED SUPPORT! WHO'S WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • Hey Chick!
    Glad you came over... hopefully we can do this together xxx I will be here to help and support you always! :o)
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    You will love the site and you'll make great friends on here too. Welcome
  • TeeJay2512
    TeeJay2512 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone! You have all made me feel very welcome. I'm doing well up to now and staying motivated - so lets hope it lasts!!! Am gonna have a go at Zumba tonight on the XBox Kinect - has anyone tried it?
  • Welcome! I'm new as of yesterday.... I hope to stay motivated and lose the weight as well. Good luck and stay motivated