Going in Unarmed

So I've taken the first step and weighed in this morning and it occurred to me that I feel like I'm going in to do battle unarmed. I don't have a plan. Meaning if I'm not careful I will fall flat on my face later when I'm staring into the fridge wondering what to eat. How do you start? I know it needs to be focused on one thing at a time so as not to bite off more than I can handle.

Right now I'm wondering if I should be preplanning meals to avoid the 'grab first thing you see' syndrome. Unfortunately there are tons of cookies and chocolates left from Christmas gifts. And perhaps putting together an exercise plan until P90X arrives?

My goal for today (the small steps)
-Log everything I eat
-Start drinking water.
-Do one form of exercise. Anything.
-Ask you about your plan.


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I set a menu (what and when I'll eat) and exercise (how long and what days) plan for each week to follow and other "mini" goals (example - drink 3 more glasses of water each day or increase the speed/elevation on the treadmill from x to x+ this week). I also set monthly goals (this month its 1000 minutes of cardio). I also track both food and exercise on MFP. It helps keep me on track. That isn't to day I don't fall off the track sometimes but without it I seldom get on it!

    Good luck!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I usually know what I am eating for a given day, including how much water I will drink... For me the less complicated my eating plan, easier to stay on target. Today is my first day back at the office (first time since Thanksgiving) and I forgot to pack a snack. I did remembered to bring plentry of water and my lunch!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    First step....get rid of all the temptations! I have tons of left overs in the fridge from 2 weeks of house guests and we hosted a couple parties over the holidays. Once the last of them leave today I clean out the fridge. I have a real problem doing this... it pains me to waste anything, but if it doesn't fit in with my goal.... out it goes!

    Step two... re stock the fridge and pantry with healthy options. Then if you do "stare into the fridge" you have lots of options that won't crack your resolve.

    Step three.... try to plan a couple days in advance. I usually have baked chicken breasts in the fridge that I can use in multiple main courses, or just to use as a protein snack.

    You will find your way. Good Luck!
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    All great ideas!! Thank you!! Preplanning....
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Not to worry, sounds like you are starting in the same fashion I did.
    As you start to see what your food choices cost you in terms of calories and you see how you burn calories during exercise. You can/will adjust to meet your goals.
    You are off to a great start! Keep on trucking for 2012!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Sounds like you got an excellent plan going.

    As far as I don't know what to grab syndrome, try changing one thing at a time. Aim to eat at least one piece of fruit at each meal for one day.. then make it two pieces the next day. Instead of 4 cookies/chocolate/sweets/w/e, only take out one or two and then walk away. I find it easier to eat a little bit instead of abstaining totally, but others are not built that way.

    As far as exercise goes, you don't have to wait until P90X comes in. You can do squats, lunges, tri-cep dips, pushups, planks and a lot more body weight exercises with very minimal equipment. Take a walk around the neighborhood or put on some music and start dancing.. both are great forms of cardio.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    First step....get rid of all the temptations! I have tons of left overs in the fridge from 2 weeks of house guests and we hosted a couple parties over the holidays. Once the last of them leave today I clean out the fridge. I have a real problem doing this... it pains me to waste anything, but if it doesn't fit in with my goal.... out it goes!

    Step two... re stock the fridge and pantry with healthy options. Then if you do "stare into the fridge" you have lots of options that won't crack your resolve.

    Step three.... try to plan a couple days in advance. I usually have baked chicken breasts in the fridge that I can use in multiple main courses, or just to use as a protein snack.

    You will find your way. Good Luck!

    This!!! Your first step is to put together some simple ideas of foods to eat- nothing too challenging at the moment- GET RID OF ALL THE BAD FOOD IN YOUR PANTRY. I can't say it enough. When I am hungry, and there are cookies staring at me, I will eat them. It's just easier if they aren't there to begin with.

    Start with stocking your house with good foods, an easy menu for a couple of days, start moving- anything is right- just start. Drink water- start with what you can manage today, but every couple of days, move it up. Water is a key ingredient to weight loss...