Got a LOT of weight to lose? Please keep this in mind...

Just a little note of encouragement to anyone out there facing 50, 75, 100, 200 pounds of excess weight, especially if you're just starting out...

Please remember that THE MOMENT you are making a healthful eating choice, and THE MOMENT you are moving more than you have been, you are becoming healthier and getting a benefit. Especially with a lot of weight to lose, and especially if you DON'T find it peeling off quickly, I realize that it can be extremely disheartening as you attempt to make lifestyle changes.

If the predominant goal in your mind is being thinner, you are more likely to fail than if your goal is to stay alive as long as you can, be strong and independent, and healthy into old age.

Let me put it this way: even if you lose ZERO pounds (which is not what happens when you change your diet and start moving every day), if you are exercising your heart and muscles daily you immediately lower your risks for dying from major illnesses SIGNIFICANTLY. So start. I see people advising obese folks on here that diet is the first key - and while that's fairly true for weight loss, on the other hand, if you are struggling with food issues and can get yourself to make the EXERCISE change, DO IT - improvements in mood and energy will only help you cope with planning, learning and overcoming any emotional eating associated with dieting. This means moving to the point of puffing and sweating (while being just able to talk) for as long as you can - try to make it 30 minutes, but if you have to start with 5, do so - and try to do it again later in the day.

DIET: If you are controlling your calories, making the focus of your diet whole, lean foods, with healthful fats as flavor garnish, and start cutting out junk foods, and you are doing this, say, 19 out of 21 meals a week, you are IMMEDIATELY benefiting - your body's recovering and repairing. If you have to get into this process gradually, or find you've binged or 'blown it' at some point, keep in mind that IT IS OVER, and you can return to getting energy and health benefits at your very next meal - and YOU ARE STILL AHEAD of where you WERE when you were usually NOT feeding yourself right. So get in-person help and support if you need it, if you have psychological eating issues, get educated about diet if you need to, learn about cooking if you need to, or ways to eat well and feel satisfied and happy with it if you are a NON-cook - get resources and just keep making the effort. Your energy will change immediately, and eventually your brain will change, your tastes will change - and your body will definitely change. Your doctor will be happier.

I have a few friends on here who either are at the beginning of a long journey, or have already conquered a great deal of a very large weight-loss goal, and they are inspiring. I've never had this kind of challenge, though I have had significant weight to lose, but I know in years past, I've realized when I meet someone 50 pounds heavier than I, who had already been losing a lot of weight, worked out every day and watched their food, that their habits alone meant they were far healthier and fitter than I was at 50 pounds lighter. I never forget this and it has helped me stay active and healthy.

Be inspired for 2012 and know that you can absolutely make healthy changes in this very moment that will benefit you immediately, and keep stringing the moments together.


  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I love all what you said! All I learned when I did Weight Watchers 6 years ago...I had a leader that emphasized what you just said...I get sad at this time of year because all the infomercials dupe people with fast results and fast is not always better. Would you want a doctor/surgeon to work on you with just a year of study vs 4-6 years??!! I say enjoy the journey of how your life changes and evolves each year of getting healthier!!!!!!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I totally agree! I lost 40 lbs about 5 years ago and have kept it off, aside for a 5 lb up or down here and there. It took me about 6 months to lose it all, but doing it the right way is why I have not put it all back on. I have traded in my sedentary habits filled with processed food with empty calories for a much healthier but not hard to maintain lifestyle. I eat cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate and go out to eat at restaurants with no worries. It is what you do 90% of the time that counts, the other 10% is called LIVING LIFE :)
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Yeah - it's the FAST WEIGHT LOSS! Thing that is such a nonsense trap, and so enticing to even people who don't need to lose all that much...
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    :drinker: heres to a new year!!
  • jennit1801
    jennit1801 Posts: 14 Member