Body by Vi - does it work long term?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think it might be good to try as a way to get nutrients/vitamins. The neighbor just told me she has lost 6 pounds since starting it 3 days ago. How is that even possible? 6 pounds @ 3500 calories per pound = 21,000 calories / 3 days = 7,000 calories burned per day. How is it even possible to burn that many more calories than you consume unless you run a marathon all day?

    Water weight plus some food weight.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Please be honest here - do these shakes really help with weight loss? I feel like it's hard to get an unbiased response because someone is always selling it!

    you would probably feel full longer from eating solid food and drinking water
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    A guy at my gym invited me to attend one this Thursday, simply because some big shot rep from Chicago is coming to his house. On one hand, I want to provide the argument that a calorie deficit and learning how to make better choices is what will lead to long-term success. However, the flip side is I'll be so annoyed at what I'll likely hear that I'll say something I shouldn't and come across as an *kitten*.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    i have one for breakfast everyday. I like the nutrients and vitamins and the best part is it is easy since i get up so early to go to work. They also taste WAY better than any other of its type and is not super expensive. I add a drop of a different flavor of extract to make it different and not boring. I keep lunch and dinner as normal food.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I've researched the list of ingredients in those shakes. I'm not personally a fan of synthetic food-like products.
  • thetruthfothatass
    Look you have a choice if you want to keep making excuses and have no will power keep eating. If your happy being fat then shut up and stay jolly. But if you want to look good and improve your health then take the shakes.

    Stay fat friends!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Look you have a choice if you want to keep making excuses and have no will power keep eating. If your happy being fat then shut up and stay jolly. But if you want to look good and improve your health then take the shakes.

    Stay fat friends!

  • Tiffanylhood
    Tiffanylhood Posts: 3 Member
    So far so good I replace two meals and exercise so I don't have to take thought for myself what to eat for two meals after being over weight I get tired of eating food. It's more mental for me if I can trick my mind to think I'm eating maybe I can get pass the weight loss hump and start seeing some results just started I will try to up date in three months and see how it's going wish me the best.:smile: p.s. my best friend used it and it really works I tried it myself before and was successful so I'm trying again and trying to stick with it adding this time a accountability partner which is helping me.
  • Tiffanylhood
    Tiffanylhood Posts: 3 Member
    Super excited started Body By Vi on the 27 of Aug today Sep 25 I have lost 17 pounds and I am very excited to be on my weight lost journey.:laugh: