Gallbladder Surgery and Exercise

So I had every intention of starting the new year right - I was going to increase my running miles, eat right, the whole package. Then, the Tuesday after Christmas, I ended up in the ER with a gallbladder attack. Gallbladder was removed the next day. I am not able to drive or do anything strenuous until at least this coming Friday when I see my doctor.

Has anyone else had this surgery (laparscopic)? How long did it take you to get back into the exercise swing? I was trying to run or Zumba at least 3 (mostly 4) times a week. I feel like I should be doing something, but everyone just says take it easy. It's very frustrating, and I feel very disappointed. I need sucess stories...


  • mrogus
    mrogus Posts: 94
    I had mine removed the Monday before Christmas. I had been jogging 2 to 3 times a week training for a 5K. My dr told me I can;t do that kind of activity for 6-8 weeks after the surgery as I don't want to get ahernia (sp). They cleared me for walking and I do the recumbent bike. I am still not lifting weights or doing ab work.

    It took me about 2 weeks to feel back to normal. There are times I forget I had the surgery and overdo it and then have a little pain but otherwise I'm fine!

    Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery!!!
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    This is in regards to my husband's surgery - I did not have it done. He had the lapriscoprisy (sp?) surgery done in mid October. They told him no exercising for 2 weeks and then he could do anything he wanted as long as he felt okay. If he was in pain he had to stop. He did start running again and did short 2-3 mile runs to begin with and slowly worked back up to 4-5 miles mid week and double digits on the weekends. He also would do the cross trainer and walking as it seemed easier on his body in the beginning. He stayed away from weight lifting for a few extra weeks as his incision had a hard time healing (his belly button incision was twice the normal size as his was very packed with stones), but he's back to weight lifting now. Good luck!