Xbox kinect fitness?

I just got a kinect and would like to use it to lose weight. Does anyone know how many calories it burns from the various fitness workouts?


  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I think it depends on the type of workouts you're doing. I tend to count most of the games they have (and Wii games) much like I do my class workouts (like Zumba...I count it the same as I would if I were in class) or like I'm doing a DVD at home. Same thing. Have fun! I LOVE my Kinect!
  • elfranzen
    elfranzen Posts: 27 Member
    the "Your shape" game keeps track for you. Its really fun look at getting this game for the kinect.
  • jmvane15
    I bet doing a Zumba game would be great.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I dunno how many but I played Dance Central yesterday for the first time and thought it would make a great workout. I got all sweaty and my legs were sore!