Anybody else quit drinking?

I feel like I need to start going to A.A meetings and it's only been a little over 2 weeks since I've had a drink (Christmas didn't count). I never drank a lot but I'd have a few beers about 2 days a week, after work or during the weekend. And to top it off the beers I like are really thick ( Blue Moon & Arrogant *kitten* Ale) and I just looked them up and a 6 pack of this stuff has about 1000 calories! anyways my mouth is WATERING just thinking about it...I know I can't drink though because I always order a pizza when I get drunk :blushing:

Anybody else dealing with this? or know of anything to get my mind off it? I need a site like MFP for beer though!


  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I've never quit, but MFP definitely made me cut way down... maybe a night or 2 a week I'd have a few beers, but had to make sure to drink lights to keep the calories down.
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    If I am craving something sweet I will have a glass of wine before I dig in to the cookies. Wine is safer and I tend to enjoy it more slowly than eating 2 cookies.
  • coloradotiff
    coloradotiff Posts: 22 Member
    I did not quit completly either but before I started back on mvp I was literally drinking everyday and once I graduated on to being able to drink the LARGE double bottles of wine to myself in one sitting I woke up. Booze and overeating go hand and i would suggest giving yourself more time or if you dont have a problem with it do some extra exersises so you can fit in a beer or 2 once in awhile
  • missfluffyuk
    I recently cut WAY back on my drinking, and what I drank -- partially to do with calories, more because drinking a bottle of vodka at home, I get bored and mean to my friends. :(

    But these days, I almost exclusively drink water.
  • MsD1984
    MsD1984 Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't had a drink in... nearly 2 years! OMG... I found it quite easy though!
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    I love a good beer, and I live in Wisconsin, land of wonderful micro-brews. These days I don't drink often because I just can't budget that many calories for it with any kind of regularity, but once in a while I'll have one. And I'll usually pick something dark or really hoppy with a strong flavor that's good to savor for a while.

    For me, most light beer is just not worth wasting calories on, even if it does have way less of them.

    Everyone has their weaknesses. Walking past the dessert tray at a party isn't a big deal for me, but beer and cheese is much more difficult to turn down.
  • fishndad
    fishndad Posts: 102 Member
    I haven't drank for 25+ years, & when I quit, my favorite saying was "This will pass", meaning the mouthwatering desire will pass. Un less you just don't let it. I was sitting here looking up pizzas (which is my downfall) & there nutritional values & was I surprised!! I was thinking "I've been a good boy, I should reward myself", but when I started looking at how badly I would blow all my hard work, I said the heck with it. I know the feeling will pass eventually. I think I'll go fill up on some veggies.
  • SherNY
    SherNY Posts: 87
    I'm a light weight...max 3 beers one night class of merlot puts me to sleep. Lol! But I also realize that when I have a drink I eat anything and everything without thinking and that is soooo bad. So now I have a drink maybe once a week and usually savor some Glenlivet single malt scotch to make the wait and calories worthwhile.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I cut way back and when I do go out to hang with the guys I almost do a 2500 calorie burn at the gym that day to "pay" for my beers!
  • velvetwing
    Im allowing myself wine or drink twice a week... never get drunk but I like my wine with dinner. Getting used to replacing it with water :)
  • MrFatLegs
    MrFatLegs Posts: 149 Member
    well thanks all who replied, I got over the craving.... I decided to use it as a Mini-Goal at my 15lbs lost mark. hopefully by next weekend :bigsmile:
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    It's really hard to quit.. but once you make the lifestyle changes that help reduce it .. then it gets a little bit easier.. but it's still hard!
  • xtina2800
    yea i just stopped drinking and its EXTREMELyYhard bc the weekends was my time to hang out and have a few! i tried to rationalize it as well if i sub a 100 calorie beer for a 75 cal malibu and diet then its ok! but u still consume the same amount and ive decided im working too hard to los this weight to then drink it all back and make the normal 3am taco bell run! I think that its an eventually... kinda thing! i wish u luck and just remember its all worth it!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I have some issues with it. I used to love to go out ALL the time, especially dancing and spend all my money on drinks. of course I like all the drinks that have like a billion cups of sugar because they taste better. i was dancing all night which is deff good for me and awesome but i dont know if it evens out after all the drinks and an intoxicated visit to jacks pizza that is conveniently placed RIGHT outside the bar doors. then the next day i cant exercise because my body is wtf'ing over a week of exercise then a total alcoholic shock to the system.

    iv realized though that drinking makes me extremely depressed and i barely ever drink anymore. i make it a special occasion type thing - birthdays, holidays. i dont just drink to drink anymore. when i do go out, its fun and its awesome but i try not to make a habit out of it because i have to sort of go all out with this lifestyle, i can't be amazing and in shape and sexy while poisoning my body twice a week aha. its a sacrifice though, i dont love it all the time.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm down to about 5 units a month, if that. Didn't even drink on New Years Eve
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    i gave it up for a month starting sunday, the 1st... and it's already been tough! I miss beer so much! and I have some nice Stone IPAs in the fridge just waiting for me... i swear one of the gargoyles on the bottle winked at me... ARG! thank god it's only a month... if i even make it that far!
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    i gave it up for a month starting sunday, the 1st... and it's already been tough! I miss beer so much! and I have some nice Stone IPAs in the fridge just waiting for me... i swear one of the gargoyles on the bottle winked at me... ARG! thank god it's only a month... if i even make it that far!
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    I quit with a buddy of mine on here for the month of jan but I think ima see how long I cant go
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I didn't quit but I cut way back. Lifestyle change like someone else said.
  • MrFatLegs
    MrFatLegs Posts: 149 Member
    i gave it up for a month starting sunday, the 1st... and it's already been tough! I miss beer so much! and I have some nice Stone IPAs in the fridge just waiting for me... i swear one of the gargoyles on the bottle winked at me... ARG! thank god it's only a month... if i even make it that far!

    MmmMmmm.. Stone IPA!! I used to put them in the freezer for a few minutes before i drank them so the were ice cold! so good!!