I've gone back to my old habits. Motivate me!

In the past couple weeks I've gone back to my old habits: eating McDonald's greasy burgers and salty fries almost every day as well as double servings of frozen pasta meals and other junk food like potato chips, candy and donuts, as well as not exercising. Please give me some motivation and support to help me reverse this!


  • coloradotiff
    coloradotiff Posts: 22 Member
    Buy lean hamburger and make your own pattys. I make homemade burgers almost every week. Very filling and satisfing!(making them tonight actually lol) And I just have to simply get the junk out of the house. If its here I will eat it thats that.
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    STOP!!! Think about where you were before you started this. Now think of how far you've come! Do you really want to "start over" all over again?!?! Think about the longest trip you've ever made by car. If you had forgotten something at home and you were halfway to your destination would it ever have occurred to you to turn around and head all the way back home to get it??? HECK NO! You would have said, "Screw it, I'm halfway there! There's no way I'm wasting hours of my life driving backwards to get anything! I'll buy a new one when I get there!" If you wouldn't waste a few hours of your time, why would you waste weeks and months of your life and hard work just to end up where you started? You'll only have to set out on the same journey again, only it will seem longer and harder. Do yourself a favor and DONT TURN AROUND!!!!!!
  • didiwindiva
    didiwindiva Posts: 22 Member
    You were very lucky to have lost 47lbs so far. Dont let all the hard work you did to shed those pounds go down the drain.
    Like the other poster said make your own patys which is alot healthier. I know its tuff i live near a Mcd's, Little Cesar pizzia, & dunkin donuts it be so tempting but i just have to tell myself no. Or tell yourself only once a week as a cheat day.
  • madmama40
    Can you avoid driving or walking past McDonalds? If you can do this it will help you avoid the temptation and you can get back into those good habits. You have done so well don't give up now.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Go get 'em!
  • funnyfitguy
    Set some goals, set a date, have a plan... and don't let anything stop you. It's the only way!!!
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    You've got to find your own motivation! Noone else can give it to you. All the pep talks in the world won't get you going if you can't find it in yourself. You gotta remember why you wanted this to begin with and push on!
  • rbrount
    rbrount Posts: 10
    I know the feeling, i'm going back to basics, forgiving myself for eating this way - and keep my eye on the prize :) best of luck!
  • ramonasowner
    ramonasowner Posts: 136 Member
    Don't stop now, you really do deserve to keep going. YOU can do IT
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    You have to stop it immediately. It is so easy to slip back but both you and me know it is not worth it. You deserve to treat yourself with love and kindness and you need to give yourself a hug and don't look back. You can do this. You have lost weight and you will keep losing but you have to be good to yourself. I ate a hamburger at McDonald's yesterday and it made me feel horrible. Today I went out shopping and wanted Subway, which is not a bad choice but decided to buy myself some lean 90% hamburger so I could control the calories and you can do the same. I want to wish you luck, but it is not luck but a choice and only you can make that choice. We are all here for you and I am so glad you reached out that is the first step. If you need more support feel free to add me as a friend. Make the right choice, you will thank yourself for it.
  • skybaby6
    buying myself new running shoes or workout pants seems to help =) i also go to the store and fill my cart with lots of good-for-you foods such as fruit, veggies and other healthy snacks. i struggle with falling off the wagon when my fridge gets empty. sometimes i'll even write down what i'm going to eat for the next few days and try to stick to only that-- i look at previous "good days" and make sure i have access to those foods-- you're doing fantasitc, btw!!! go pick up dumbells that weigh 45#s-- that's A LOT!!! keep up the good work-- ur success helps motivate others, too =)
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I think you need to figure out why? What triggered the change? But in the meantime...refer to an old skit and JUST STOP IT! :) That stuff is gross and it will make you feel gross. When you eat unhealthy food, it is harder to exercise. It saps your energy and takes years off your life. You are worth taking the time to eat well, exercise, and play hard! You get one life and it is worth taking care of yourself to make it the best possible. You can do it! Each meal, day, and hour is a new beginning.
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    In your own words that were posted on your profile: I copied and pasted them below!

    "There's a history of diabetes in the men in my family and I don't want to get it."

    "I don't like that a lot of my old clothes don't fit."

    "I'm sick of the fat jokes"

    Is all that unhealthy food more satisfying then how far you have come? Remember where you were, how far you've come, and the journey in-between!
  • tomcat4680
    Can you avoid driving or walking past McDonalds? If you can do this it will help you avoid the temptation and you can get back into those good habits. You have done so well don't give up now.

    No I can't. I live literally across the street from McDonald's and every time I look out my front window or go outside to check the mail it beckons me!!!!! It's so easy just to walk over there. I'm also within a mile of a Little Caesars.

    On the other hand I'm walking distance to a Subway and a Kroger.

    I just need some self control and better decision making. I feel like such a failure :(
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I just need some self control and better decision making. I feel like such a failure :(
    I feel like such a failure :(
    Feeling sorry for yourself won't change things. Just start doing it.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Eating junk to ease a craviing is about as useful as scratching at chicken-pox blisters. (They still itch like crazy but are now likely to scar you as well!) Before you eat the next fried - salty-sugary meal, stop and really think about how you are going to feel once you have finished. You won't be satisfied (just look - you've been going back day after day and still crave the things) but think about the damage you could avoid by simply accepting the craving and refusing the food. It can be done. You've done it before. I say steer (or better still, walk) away from temptation. Take another route - Pack a better lunch - invest in some exercise and feel you have gone too far to slip back!
  • all4gabs2
    Just think of the progression that you've made thus far. Like someone said before, make your own juicy and delicious burgers. Lean beef or ground lean turkey and plenty of veggies. I understand how easy it is to go back to your comfort zone. I'm learning that I can still eat delicious food such as a burger here and there, just in moderation. Keep pushing and keeping moving. Don't stop exercising, even if it's a nice walk. You've come too far to go back, Best of wishes!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Unless you have a time machine, you can't reverse it. Don't drive yourself crazy trying. Just start from right now and do what you know you need to.
  • tomcat4680
    I ate healthier and went to the gym today! I feel good too :). Thanks everybody!
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I am worried about this happening to me after my wedding is over in July. My first kick in the butt was when I scheduled my engagement pictures...and I'm continuing on in hopes to lose 20 more lbs by my wedding day....

    You just need to keep reminding yourself of what motivated you in the first place... my wedding was my kick in the butt, but not being happy with my weight/health/looks practically my entire life was my motivation, and that motivation hopefully helps me make healthy choices for the rest of my life.

    Even if you've been eating crap for a couple weeks... there's always time and a reason to start eating healthy again... just 'cuz you eat one donut doesn't mean you should eat a second.