Do your siblings share your body type?



  • LydiaHTC
    Both my sister and I have the same body shape (she's a size bigger but I still pinch her clothes). The only difference is that I exercise and she doesn't. I have a lot more tone than she does but otherwise we're exactly alike and love the same foods. My brother is big too. My Father's side are all rugby players and rather big, but my Mum is as petite as can be, yet none of us inherited her metabolism. My siblings and I all have to work to ditch the weight.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    out of 6 older siblings I only have one sister that is fully related to me. All others are half ( although we make no distinction in our family). That being said I have one half sister that looks exactly the same. We share the same father and have the same body type, skin type, hair. People say we could be twins if she wasn't like 20 years older than me lol. My fully biological sister looks exactly like our half brother , tall thin and the same skin tones.
  • feligrosa
    my older sister is completely different. She's 5'6 and I'm 5'9, the weirdest thing is that her torso is longer than mine and well... my legs are longer than hers :) She was always very thin and well... I've been the chubbier sister :S haha working on it :)
  • I'm the middle of 3 siblings and while my older brother is skinny (approx 34inch waist) my little brother and me are both around 19-20st each.

    Growing up we all ate the same, my older brother did lots of sports, which I guess paid off, but he takes after mum with her fast metabolism and super strong will power, while me and my little brother take after our dad and both eat when we are depressed about something :(
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    Strangely my sister and I have the same body type. I'm more proportional (and I have biggest breasts), but we look the same. It worked out all through my childhood because I could borrow her clothes easily :)
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    when we(older bro by 2 years) we growning up he has slim/skinny and about the same hight as me, me been chubby/fat. by our teens he started getting taller and i got rounder.. adult life he is 5 inch's taller than me but he has filled out and now and again we weigh the same, both of us yo yo all the time, but not very often that he is bigger than me.. but i do hope that this will change this year
  • MattieJean21
    None of my sister are like me. My older sister is about 5'5-5'6 and HUGE boobs and weighs about 180 lbs. My other older sister is also taller about the same height but she is build bigger and weighs probably 200. Now my little sister ( 9 months younger!!!!!) she is about 5'7 and weight 155 and a tiny build!!! I am the shortest..... I am about 5'1... and weigh 170. I also have a small build. So I am the only one who really doesn't fall in the same category as them!
  • mommyoverboard
    I wish my oldest sister has had 5 kids (I've had 2) and she is leaner and way more fit than me.
    My younger sister is thin as a bean stalk but so was I before I had kids
    My brother is probably the most "non-fit" of us all but I think guys can carry it better than girls.

    I'm not overweight, but I'm not "fit & lean" either.
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Nope - complete opposite. Mind you I'm female, and my brother, well obviously - he's male. But I am 5'2" he is 6'2" and we probably weigh the same amount lol. He may even weigh less - super skinny! He has always been built that way and I have always been built this way.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    My sister and I have pretty much the same body type. Big boobs, small waist, big hips/legs/butt. She's 2 or 3 inches taller than me though so it looks different on her.
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I have 6 siblings and I am the heaviest. All my siblings are tall and thin. I have my moms genes and all my siblings got our dad's genes. I have struggled with my weight all my life whereas my siblings can eat whatever they want and have no issues whatsoever. I have come to terms with this and know that I will continue to fight for my health so that I don't end up in the health situation that my mom is in.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The siblings I grew up with do, but my biological half siblings do not -- on neither my mother's or father's sides. If it's a question of nature over nurture, I guess nurture won out with me. Thanks Mom. :)
  • freckledbean
    My sister always pigged out on pasta, red meat and baked goods while maintaining a lean Victoria's Secret-esque figure (maybe 100 lbs at 5'4) while I was always curvier and weighed more and have been a somewhat health-conscious vegetarian for years.

    Now that she's 26 and has a desk job, she has put on about forty pounds. Not that this makes her overweight, the extra fat just overwhelms her teeny-tiny frame. Still, she refuses to stray from her Velveeta diet or do regular exercise. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't just a teeny bit satisfying :)
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    My sister and I are similar heights and weights, but carry it differently. She stores weight in her hips and butt, has a small waist, and is boob-less, and I'm a rectangle with boobs.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    As kids I was always skinnier than my slightly younger sister. My boobs also developed faster than hers did so I was a twig with boobs for the longest time. Now she is still smaller busted than I am, but is a vegetarian and does a lot of yoga so she is about 10 lbs thinner than I am at least. She is also more of a "ruler shape" (straight up and down) and I am probably closer to hourglass and am curvier (may just be because I am heavier though). ETA: Oh, and She is only an inch or so taller than I am, so not a huge difference in height. My brother is getting kinda pudgy actually .... he was always pretty skinny. The only body similarity we have is that I carry a lot of my weight in my thighs and so does he.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    My sister and I are complete opposites but I suspect it's because our lives are so different. I am a stay at home mother to three children. She works full time and has no children (unless you count her dogs) I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder which sometimes knocks me completely on my *kitten* and makes me want to eat more or less than I normally do. So far as I know she has no mental issues. Obviously she is the more fit of the two of us. She also spent some time in the military. Not sure if that has anything to do with it but yeah...
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I have several sisters and we ALL have different body types
    I am 5'3" and have never weighed more then 140 pounds. My older sister is like 5'8" and usually weighs around 200. My younger sister is 5'6"ish and is about 180 but with a lot of muscle from sports ( aka she is built like a linebacker) AND has a bootie to boot- I have none to speak of. My next youngest sister is 12 and is almost as tall as me and about 20 pounds heavier. The rest of my siblings are too young to tell.
  • atiffany1
    I have two brothers but we were always skinny kids, and even after my first kid i was only 103. But I am very short where as they are still in high school, my middle brother is 6'1 and very skinny and my little brother is 5'10 really skinny. The youngest is only 15 so I imagine he still has some growing to do.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Absolutely. We were both raised very healthily, and so my mom, sister and I have proportionally the same bodies, we're just different heights.
    I'm 5'6" 110lbs, my mom is 5'7" 123lbs, and my younger sister (blonde) is 5'8" 130lbs.
    None of use are busty, and we all seem to gain and lose weight evenly throughout our bodies.

  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    This is an interesting topic.

    My brothers are really tall. At least to me. In their 5'10 or so. My sister and i are short. I am 5'2.5 and she is 5'0. She is older. I am taller. We weigh about the same, i weigh slightly less. However, i guess my hips are bigger because i wear a size bigger than her. My feet are two sizes bigger than her size 5 shoe. Not sure if that is different or the same.

    My brothers are about the same height. But the younger brother is more fit because he works out whereas the oldest has a sit down job and eats really....crappy!