Nutri system expired meals. Are they safe?

I have 1 month worth of Nutri System that expired 3 months ago. Is there anyone on here that has a science background and can tell me if it is indeed safe to eat this food? They are lasagnas and are packaged like tv dinners you heat up in the microwave but you don't need to keep them in the fridge. Anyone eat nutri system after it expired?


  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    No, they are all bad. Send them to me for proper disposal. :)

    Seriously, the food industry usually plays it super safe on expiration dates. For example, most canned foods expire in about two years, when canned foods over 100 years old have been found and determined "not harmful" to eat.

    Try the look,first smell second, and taste test. I'm 99.999% sure you'll report back all is fine.
  • Let me just throw this out there:

    Even if they were "safe" why would you want to consume something that has so many additives it might last that long?
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    ewe toss them...