Trouble getting all my water in...

In the summertime here in the south, I have no trouble at all getting plenty of water, it's cool and refreshing and easy to get my daily requirements. But I am having trouble with it now, because I just don't really like water that much. Plus it's cold outside and, aside from exercise, I don't really drink that much of it.

What are some healthy ways to jazz it up? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I find water much more pleasant with a lemon slice thrown in.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I used to HATE water and honestly probally didn't drink 2 cups a day.. Now, I carry a water bottle filled with Ice and water with me everywhere. It holds 3 cups.. So, I drink that at work(luckily I can go to restroom when needed).. I have that gone by 12:00..

    I then treat myself to a bottle of water with sugar free peach tea flavoring..which is 2.5 more cups.

    Lastly, I workout right afterwork so between working out and going to bed I get in another 3 cups..

    I lieterally HATED water..Now, I crave water and can't tell you the last time I had a diet soda... Give it time it will happen
  • Gorgeous222
    Gorgeous222 Posts: 19 Member
    I find that when I carry a larger bottle of water around with me (the 33 oz ones) I drink more water. If it's in my face, Im'm going to drink it! I've also set limits for myself - I can only have a diet coke (my addiction!! :love: ) after I've had at least 2-3 cups of water.

    I've never really used them, but they also sell the powder packs of things like iced tea, propel, etc., so if plain water is too blah, maybe some flavor would help?

    I hope this helps, good luck! :)
  • Fragula
    I have an absurdly large water bottle (64 ounces), that has a straw on the lid. That's all my water for the day, so I know I just have to fill it up in the morning and finish it throughout the day. I try to always keep it with me and just mindlessly sip at it. I used to have trouble too, because I'm almost never thirsty..
  • elizabethjk11
    I also struggle with drinking water. I was doing really good over the summer before my wedding. But I started drinking pop again, that is my weakness. I started off over the summer drinking crystal light and then was able to drink at least 1-2 bottles of water a day. Today I had a bottle of pop and am now drinking Clear American water. Which is the naturally flavored sparkling water but I don't know if that is really any better. But it has no sugars no caffeine no calories and no sodium.
  • grtgrannyw
    I buy the Wylers Light Singles on the go.....the Rasberry is my favorite but it comes in other flavors and tastes great ,and if I go to a restaurant I order ice water with lemon..since I have been doing this I have given up my dite sodas altogether
  • alikat5544
    alikat5544 Posts: 86 Member
    I am getting better at getting it in, but there are times I have to chug it. So if all else fails chug!
  • beachquilt
    beachquilt Posts: 39 Member
    As I understand from reading I have done, it does not have to be just "water". It can be any liquid you drink. I am not a huge water fan so I count any liquid I drink. Fortunately, I don't drink soda anymore because that is just not good for you; even diet soda is bad for you. I include my coffee, any juice, etc.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    In winter when I feel like I need a hot drink and not just water I will drink green, white or red tea. I try loads of different flavours, I don't need to add milk or sugar and they are caffine and calorie free.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Unless you use water to control hunger, I wouldn't (and don't) bother to drink plain water.

    Sure, lots of web sites and doctors recommend 8 x 8 but if you ask them why, can they give you a valid medical reason?

    I'm not saying to not drink water if you're thirsty - thirst is the way that our body indicates that we need water - but other than that why bother?
  • lisaosumarie
    I have one of the cups with a straw in it and for some reason that makes me drink more water. I don
    t know I guess it is a weird mental thing for me! Plus adding some sort of flavor helps me too!
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    I often drink hot water with lemon in it during winter :)
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    Get one of those cute acrylic cups with the lid and straw. You know, the ones you can see through with different colors that looks like it came from a fast food place? I LOVE mine. Drinking through a straw really makes me drink more. I sit it at my desk all day and mind-lessly drink from it like a habit. Try it.
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    These are all great suggestions! I do get lemon slices in my water when I go to restaurants, I may need to keep some at home as well. I also like the flavored (Crystal LIte) packets but some say it's not the same as water (the water has to be actual water argument) which there is obviously some good evidence to the contrary :) I love the peach mango tea flavored one. Also a fan of the hot tea, although I am trying to cut down on my coffee intake a little (keep it to two cups a day). I used to be an all day coffee drinker.