Would you say you're obsessed with food?

I've struggled with anorexia for the past five years, and I see a lot of disordered patterns and obsessions in the forum. I'm just wondering where the line is drawn between eating disorder and dieting.

Obviously weight and health implications are a big part of it, but it's interesting to me how much can be interchangeable.


  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    When we get together my friends and I eat, talk about food, plan for other meals and graze the table! I love pushing that obsession to planning healthy meals!
  • amonkey9
    Sometimes I can be obssesive. Right now I am upping calorie intake due to eating dangerously low amounts and it's really hard for me. I get really stressed seeing my calorie intake at 800 :/ infact yesterday I cried because I "caved" and ate a piece of shrimp and then I couldn't find the calories. It's not so much the food itself, but the amount of calories. I know it's silly and irrational, but yeah. After writing this, I could say I can be a bit obsessed at certain times.
  • hopingforhealthy
    That sounds like the start of an eating disorder, hun. If you need to talk, message me. Food isn't evil, and please try to take in more calories!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I'm obsessed, but not in the unhealthy ways that got me to my fatty fat stage. I'm obsessed with counting calories when I am cooking dinners. I love seeing the numbers change when I substitute something a little more healthy than a decadent option. Finding subs is a great feeling because most of the time, you really can't tell that you've snuck in extra veggies, greek yogurt, etc.

    Me and my food scale (along with calorie king's database) are best buds!