I'M FREAKING OUT! Sodium????

Okay, so on the 30th I was 132lbs. My scale died that day and I didn't get a battery to replace it until tonight. I know you shouldn't weigh yourself at the end of the day, but I was just curious (you know, if it said, say 135, that was a normal days water and food retention). I almost started hyperventilating...140.2!!!!!!!

This has to be water retention right? I had Chinese food two days in a row (leftovers) and I have been working out a lot so maybe my muscles are retaining water? I really feel like I might cry because I haven't seen that number since May. What can I do? I need advice! Please help!!!!


  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    I think it's the Chinese food you had. How much water did you drink as well? For me - I retain water if I don't drink enough of it. I also never weigh myself at night. Wait until the morning and see if you are still up.
  • FierceFitBeautiful
    I would probably wait a day or two before weighing yourself again! Eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and then in 2 or 3 days I would step back on the scale again, first thing in the morning. I notice that when I eat unhealthily my weight shoots straight up too, but after a few days it gets back down to normal :) Good luck! xx
  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    maybe even hit up the sauna?