Women's "average" size

I am currently a size six. I used to be four. I was wondering the normal/average size for women (not teens) so I looked it up. I found some which said 12 was while others say that 10 is most healthy. Others say 8 and some 6. None of these were blogs or anything. They were all on medical and/or health sites but nobody seems to agree. I'm six like I said but all my fat is on my stomach, making me appear larger. I know what medically may be said is good is different than what society tends to say is good. With all the "be happy as you are" and "as long as you are healthy, it doesn't matter" set aside please, what do people here think or have heard?


  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Sizes can vary so much I don't see how they can get an average size. Even the same manufacture can vary between styles.

    That said I have heard anything from a size 12-14 is the average us woman's size.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think it all depends on height, age, race etc but I'd like to think that size 6-10 is average.....because then I'd fit right in!! LOL

    I've never actually heard any studies or anything specify but all I know is that when I go shopping now, clothes my size are ALWAYS sold out.....and I fit approx a med or size 9-10 (my goal is a 8) but there are always plenty of 0's and 5's on the racks (in my city anyway)
  • Here in TO going by clients I see in the gym, a size 8-10 would be the "norm" and on average the women are looking to lose 18lbs. The'yre willing to commit 45 minutes to a workout program, and 82% do not want to lift free weights. We did a survey in our facility, kinda intresting. Women wanted to do "easier cardio" and were more likely to chat and read while doing it. Men on average were 26lbs overweight, wanting to "rip out" willing to do way more intense cardio, such as HIIT but for shorter segments of time, do not want to be disturbed and based a good cardio session by the amount they sweated. Women were 80% more likely to do extra cardio for a treat food then men were, Just some random info..lol
  • Average would be relevant to a height. However, a six is a pretty good size to be assuming you aren't really small like under 5'2. Healthy and average are very skewed in the US. I believe the average woman is overweight, but the target weight we get from society is not necessarily healthy either. Healthy is relative to what fruits and vegetables you eat, and how much you exercise honestly.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I'm 5'10" so pretty tall. It's interesting to know that about how men and women work out. I'm certainly guilty of reading on a machine!
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    There are too many variables to really pinpoint an average size that would be healthy. To determine a healthy weight for a person, you have to consider the person's height, bone structure, age, and race. The best thing to do to is go to your doctor and he/she can tell you the weight and bmi that would be considered healthy for you. Then, obviously look in the mirror. If you are not happy with what you see then you might want to do something about it. I do know from most of the research, that is more unhealthy to carry weight around your waist then it is to carry it in your hips and thighs.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Yeah, I've tried getting my waist area down for years. It doesn't work no matter what I tried. I actually looked up my BMI and it's just under the overweight line...barely, which is part of why I'm confused if I'm almost at that line and in a six, then how is ten or twelve good? It confuses me. Also, I've seen those size zero in stores. I have told hold them up and ask "Is this made for a human or my daughter's barbie?"
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    the "average" size is so hard to pin down. it depends on frame size, height, etc. and unfortunately the average in north america is viewed as overweight elsewhere.

    i am a size four (usually) and i live in asia and feel absolutely HUGE. the average size here is approximately zero, but then again, the average height isn't much over 5 feet... :$
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    America: the nation where the two biggest fads are fast food and crash diets....no wonder we're so messed up. :grumble:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    In the UK, the average size is around a size 16
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    In the UK, the average size is around a size 16

    I can't believe that. If it's true, that's shocking! I'm from UK (though live in Australia for past 3 yrs) and I would say 12-14 is probably the norm. Which is a 10-12 in US sizes?

    But what is average now and what 'should' be average are 2 different things. Average doesn't mean ok. Is it ok to be a size 16 and be 'quite fat' as opposed to 'really fat'? So long as that is average? Or should we all be aiming to lower that average and actually be a healthy weight?? Just a thought......
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure UK average is 12-14. According to a recent UK survery, apparently men find women who are sizes 12-14 the most attractive (although they discarded size 10 from the choices for some reason) I know that doesn't answer the question but I suppose it's nice to know if you're those sizes! (especially with brown hair and blue eyes!)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9.. and when i was at my heaviest of 180, I wore between an 8 and a 10. Slimmed down to 150 and I wear between a 4-6 depending on brand and style.

    I was reading yesterday in a different thread how a women was baffled that people who weighed 180 could wear a size 8.. and that their pants must be hanging on for dear life. Made me angry cause it's not true..it all depends on body size, height, style of pants, etc etc.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    It varies according to height. Who cares what "average" is. Why would you want to be average?
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I'm 5' 10", and at my absolute lowest weight was still a size 12 (and I was running nearly every day, like I am now). If I were to ever get down to an 8 I would look way too unhealthy.

    Thanks, but I'll take a 'look of good health' as my size and not what's printed on the tag of my pants.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Everyone is different.

    Unfortunately the average anything in the USA is overweight!

    As long as you have healthy body fat and arent eating twinkys everyday....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I know sizes are different in the UK and US, but I was overweight at a UK 12 (US 8). I am bang in the middle of a healthy weight at a UK size 8. My American jeans are a 2 or 3. That is at 5'5"

    I believe the average size here is a 14, which would be a US 10. And I also believe that that is overweight for most people, of average height at least. Obviously if you are taller you are likely to wear bigger clothes.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    i really wouldnt be concerned about being an average size. for some, a healthy size is bigger than average ,for others, it will be smaller. Whatever size works for you and your frame is what matters.

    Also, "average" is calculated by taking all the sizes that women are, healthy or not. This means that people who are extremely obese and those that are sickly thin are likely counted in to get the average number. See why its not important for you ot be average? that doesnt mean its the healthy size for you.
  • barefoot75
    barefoot75 Posts: 9 Member
    I would have to say that this totally varies by height as well! Perfect example! I am 6'3" tall and while not the norm, I can't imagine what I would look like as a size 6. I am currently between a 12 and 14 and would ideally like to be a 10 again. So I really don't see how there can be a good average size. It has to depend on other factors and not just everyone lumped together.
    While it's just math, it's not always right.

  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5'9.. and when i was at my heaviest of 180, I wore between an 8 and a 10. Slimmed down to 150 and I wear between a 4-6 depending on brand and style.

    I was reading yesterday in a different thread how a women was baffled that people who weighed 180 could wear a size 8.. and that their pants must be hanging on for dear life. Made me angry cause it's not true..it all depends on body size, height, style of pants, etc etc.

    Sizes are SO weird. Like you, I'm 5'9" and at my heaviest was 180. I wore a size 16 then. When I was at 150 I was a 10.

    Now at 120 I wear a 2 - 4 depending on the brand.