Goal Clothes

(I think this is in the right section)

Does anyone else keep goal clothes. Pieces of clothing they don't fit in currently but want to?
I kinda have a drawer full of goal clothes for various sizes. Mostly things I loved that I was sad I out grew (I've got a pair of jeans from middle school size 15). I was wondering if anyone did this and if it worked as motivation for them.


  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    My goal clothes are hanging on my bedroom door where I see them all the time.
  • I have all of my pre pregnancy clothing hanging in my closet. Sometimes I would put them out around the house and in the kitchen, but it never really motivated me more than a couple of minutes.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I do. I have one specific pair of pants that I wore when I was at my most fit, not skinny, but fit and lean. I will wear them again.

    My fiance also bought me a pair of jeans for Christmas that were too small (not his fault). The store is out of town so I have also decided they will be goal pants and will measure my progress by them.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I bought a shirt a while ago, a t-shirt with Jim Morrison's December 1967 mugshot on it and I've never been able to wear it because I bought it smaller on purpose in the hope I would one day get to grace it. So, I'm getting closer!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Most of my clothes are goal clothes lol
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Most of my clothes are goal clothes lol
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    I do, I don't often take my body measurements, so keeping goal clothes is a way for me to find out if I have progressed or not. I make a plan for when and where I will wear my goal clothes. I just wore this goal dress i had for 2 years. It was given to me for a gift but was too small for me. I made it a goal to wear it for a Holiday date and I did. It feels great.
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    I do, I don't often take my body measurements, so keeping goal clothes is a way for me to find out if I have progressed or not. I make a plan for when and where I will wear my goal clothes. I just wore this goal dress i had for 2 years. It was given to me for a gift but was too small for me. I made it a goal to wear it for a Holiday date and I did. It feels great.
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I just cleaned out my closet and got rid of all my "fat" clothes as a gift to myself that I'd never go back.

    I took some to a resale shop, others I took to a Women's Shelter that needs business clothing so the women can make a fresh start with a new job and the rest I donated to Goodwill.

    I bought a pair of Paige denim, Joe's jeans and True Religion jeans. I like them because they are true to size with no stretch!!


    <<<This dress was a goal as well!!!!
  • I kindof take the attitude: new body/new clothes. For me, there is nothing quite like stepping into a smaller pair of jeans, pulling them up with ease and zipping them.... it's been awhile since I've taken that sweet, sweet trip... but I'm hoping that day will come. (If smaller clothes in your closet motivates you, you go girl ~~ whatever works, I say!)
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I kindof take the attitude: new body/new clothes. For me, there is nothing quite like stepping into a smaller pair of jeans, pulling them up with ease and zipping them.... it's been awhile since I've taken that sweet, sweet trip... but I'm hoping that day will come. (If smaller clothes in your closet motivates you, you go girl ~~ whatever works, I say!)

    I don't have more than one thing in any given size. It's just my gague. I've got a range from 15-22 in pants.
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    I started my most recent body transformation in June, 2011. I was wearing size 42 pants and XXL T-shirts. Over the last six months I've lost 48 or so pounds and am now wearing size 34 jeans and L shirts very comfortably. Actually, I'm only a couple pounds away from size 32 jeans! I didn't buy them yet, but my next goal is to fit my *kitten* into 32x34 jeans.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    My wedding dress was a bit of a goal, and I got it on the other night, it does up but I cant breath lol so got to lose a bit more :D
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    And every week I try them on, and I am closer and closer to fitting in them.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    YEP! My sister gave me a dress that she wore on her graduation. Very cute and sexy, It's my goal dress to wear this summer. I'll have to drop 6 sizes.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Sometimes I face the frustration of working so hard to "lose" a couple of pounds, since my weight is already in a healthy range. I may be down 5 or 6 pounds, but if I eat a ton one day with lots of sodium and feel bloated the next morning, sometimes I'm up 80% of that weight. It's hard for me to "believe" that I ever lose any weight, if that makes any sense?

    To counteract that, I have a pair of pants that a friend gave me, since they didn't fit her. They also didn't fit me, but I think given another 5 lbs or so, they might. I don't even love them, or know if I'd wear the pants normally, but this way I have something ahead of time I know I would have to be smaller in order to fit :) I think goal clothes are a fantastic idea, and a great way of looking beyond the scale!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    My red thong speedos in size small!
  • rheiah
    rheiah Posts: 84
    I do have a dress that I absolutely love but with its corset-like top half I struggle to do the zip up. Also, I need to tone my legs more to be comfortable wearing it, as it is quite short.

    And of course I do have that great pair of designer Jeans I bought on sale some time ago but never fit into!
  • I haven't actually bought any new clothes in the past year, and this past year is when I've gained most of my weight. So pretty much everything I own is too small.
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    Have a pair of jeans with a 29'' waist that I will get in to.
    Have not been able to fit into them for the last 20 lbs. :) Will get them on, and also have them be loose fit.