Upper body workout help!

Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
edited October 7 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I don't belong to a gym. Hey, I freelance in the film industry which means very, very little, if any, pay and I can't afford it at the moment. However! I DO have a treadmill at home. AND I ADORE IT.
As I lose weight, I have The Skin Worry. I certainly don't want to lose weight only to have flabby arms *shudder*

Are there any non-gym things I can do for my upper body, mainly arms? I have some of those stretch bands but never really know what to do with them. And I can do push ups - but is there anything else? Something I'm not thinking of? Ideas?
Or does just working out in general (ie the treadmill consistently) take care of The Skin Worry? Well, a girl can dream can't she?


  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    For chest you can do pushups, hands wide, hands close, one close one far, feet on a chair, etc...

    For arms use the bands to do curls, for triceps do over head extensions and kickbacks.

    For shoulders use bands to do shoulder press, front/lateral/rear raises, shrugs.

    For back use the bands for bent over row, it's worth it to invest in a pull up bar that fits in the doorway.

    Google for lift specific to any particular muscle and just about anything you can do with free weights can done with bands.
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    Ooh! A door way pull up bar! I'd forgotten about those even though they freak me out a little! Haha! Thanks!
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