MFP suggested sugar

Is anyone able to stay in the green for sugar on here? I cannot get anywhere near it, pretty much my fruit alone puts me over. I have lost weight consistently anyway, just curious why the number is so low.


  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    You can adjust your sugar allowance on your settings if it annoys you. I know how much I like to keep my numbers in the green so I get you. I wish MFP would put it in blue or something if you just creep over your allowance and then red for sugar abuse!!!!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    I think the averages here on MFP are pretty low all across the board. The fun part is also each country has different RDI's for intake levels also. Think the protein is low on MFP as even have a small amount of meat and a P30 musashi shake chucks it into the red. It would actually be interesting to see natural food sugars and manufactured/processed food sugars on sep lists as they would be different, I agree with you, the fruit really can stick the red light on. Just agreeing with ya, of no help here sorry! lol
  • Tan43
    Tan43 Posts: 87 Member
    I think as long as the sugar content comes from natural food as appossed to processed food it will be fine. I`m always over in sugar but mostly comes from fruit and other natural foods. I have changed my light milk to soy light milk due to a lower sugar content so it`s all a learning curve to what is best for our bodies. Everyone is different though so do what is best for you.:smile: