New year - New me - friends needed


Im not a newbie but have been away for a while. After loosing 16lbs in the summer I went back to my old ways and have put most of it back on,

I get married in June this year and desperately need to get rid of 20-30lbs any support would be greatly appreciated, If we all stick together anything should be possible.
So feel free to add me and we can all try and keep each otehr motivated.



  • tiggerdug
    tiggerdug Posts: 67 Member
    Hi ive been a serial yo yo dieter, but want to get to my happy weight , want to loose about 35lb before my 30th bithday in may!
    I like some suport and moativation! xx
  • helena9
    helena9 Posts: 34
    hey laura!
    sounds like you have an exciting year ahead of you :) lots to look forward to! we can help motivate each other on achieving a healthy new you :) xx
  • Hi Laura, I'm in the same boat!! I put on 7kg about 2 years ago and have yo-yo'd ever since. I have been engaged for 1 1/2 years now and keep putting off the wedding date - one of the reasons is because I haven't focused on getting myself to a happy weight. I am hoping to shift the weight quickly (in a few months!!) so I would love to partner with you and all those who replied to your post. Let's do it!!
  • Congrats Laura on the wedding.....I'm a yo yo dieter as well and at this point I need to loose 75 lbs before I turn the big 50!! I am always here to listen and support!!

  • Hi Laura!

    I'm new to MFP, and am in need of some friends as well! I think you're right- if we stick together, we can get it done!

    A friend request is coming your way!

  • Tamber1969
    Tamber1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Laura,
    Congrats on the wedding...a June wedding will be beautiful! I am also getting married this year, in October, and am trying to lose another 25 pounds before the big day. Let's help each other be the beautiful brides our honeys already know us to be!!!

  • Hi Laura, I am in the excact same place. I lost 20 pounds thanks to MFP, Imy whole wardrobe was useless before I even realized it, yes but now I have gained half of it back. I need friends and I will do my best to keep you motivated and hope we all can have that awesome new and improved, better us. Year like we always hope for! Becky
  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    hi all! im new to MFP and i am in the same boat as some of you wanting to lose weight for a wedding but i need to lose about 30kg! but i am going to be healthy and serious about it. no fasting and extreme exercise! just need to eat alot less and make it really healthy (with the odd little treat) and exercise alot more than i do. atm i do nothing but go to uni, do my assignments and watch tv ect. how lazy! i just lost motivation so fast and need all the help i can get! please add me as a friend on here and i might be able to give a little support! xxx good luck ladies!
  • I was doing great on here also. When got the news I could not do anything cause of my problems, I would just eat and do nothing. So I gained lots of weight. Now I have to have a major surgery, the Doctor did not say to loose any weight but I know it will help. so I am trying to get back.. IF you need anyone to talk with just add me as a friend I will give you support.
  • mtourtillott
    mtourtillott Posts: 13 Member

    I'm new to MFP and would like to lose between 40-50 pounds. I'm a working mom and have difficulty finding time to exercise. So I too am looking for friends to keep me motivated.
  • I am getting married this year at the end of September and would like to lose about 20 pounds. I could use any motivation and support I can get! Thanks!
  • Hey, I'd love to give your moral support and help you on your way to success!e
  • Hi Im new and could really use some friends for support as i have ZERO at the moment! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi Laura - and all other newbies!

    I've just started that awful, awful phrase, my weight loss journey, and not being encouraged by the fact my banner ad is currently showing a website for ordering takeaways online. Excellent. Like you and others I've lost the weight before and put it back on, but time for a change. We've done it before and we can do it again.

    Congratulations for your upcoming wedding - I'm sending you a friend request and hope we can both be of support to each other in getting to our goal. Cheers!
  • emmaemz1985
    emmaemz1985 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey hey all, I'm also new have been dieting for the last 2 days and am looking for some friends to keep me motivated and on track, I'm currently at 220lbs and have got around 80+ to lose xxxx
  • Walkwithwolves
    Walkwithwolves Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Laura, good luck, will watch your progress while working on my own.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Hi Laura! Ur welcome to add me if u want? I log in daily and after a break for December am back on it!! Hopefully will look forward to a mutually supportive MFP friendship! xx
  • LHolobovich
    LHolobovich Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ALL,
    I am not new to MFP but I am newly committed to logging daily to reach my new goals. I lost 30 lbs a few years ago and feel great. I am turning 40 this year and determined to be in the best shape of my life. Part of my job is helping people get healthy, so I always love exchanging ideas and recipes. Would love to add you guys! Definitely want to use the MFP community to additional support through my journey.