No such thing as one diet/exercise fits all

In order to have a successful weight loss/management, one must consider his body type before making his diet & exercise regimen.

There are 3 body types also know as somatotyping in which we all fall predominantly in one of these types due to genetics.

1.) Ectomorph or people who are naturally thin, small-framed, have ultra fast metabolism & yes they're the ones most of us are envying at because they can eat anything they want without gaining an ounce. However these people are having hard time gaining muscle & therefore the big chunk of their workouts must be focused on heavy weight lifting & little cardio to gain muscle weight. Also they must consume more calories than they burn to support their weight gaining program.

2.) Mesomorph or people who are naturally fit, muscular & athletic build, medium-framed, gains muscle easily, have moderate metabolism but at the same time gain fat more easily than ecto's. These people need to watch out what they eat & do a combination of cardio & weight lifting.

3.) Endomorph or people who are naturally have high body fat percentage, more plumper, large-framed, mostly overweight/obese, have slow metabolism, gains muscle & fat easily but have difficulty losing fat no matter what they do. However this doesn't mean that endo's are destined to be fat. They just need to carefully monitor their diet & a big chunk of their workouts must consists on cardio with some resistance exercises. Also they need to be more patient when it comes to seeing their results.

It is very rare to find one who is pure & the majority of us are a combination of 2 or 3 of these but one of them appears dominant than the other. In this regard, there is no such thing as one diet & exercise fits all & what works for some may not work for you. Its not fair to compare oneself with a friend, neighbor, partner or someone who loses weight faster. Embrace your genes, work with it & not against it. Because the fact is everyone can lose or gain weight. If you're an ecto & endo, you just need more patience to see the results.
