wii games



  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    ill have to look into it... my son loves black eye peas songs lol.. that might be a great one to get.. thanks
    I love the wii fit and my 2 & 3 year old boys love doing the moves beside me. I also just got the Black Eyed Peas Experience & LOVE it! My gosh, I dance my butt off, literally. It is alot harder than just dance though
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    ill have to look into it... my son loves black eye peas songs lol.. that might be a great one to get.. thanks
    I love the wii fit and my 2 & 3 year old boys love doing the moves beside me. I also just got the Black Eyed Peas Experience & LOVE it! My gosh, I dance my butt off, literally. It is alot harder than just dance though
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    omg 1200 calories is amazing.. wow... ill def have to look into the zumba 2 also
    The Wii Zumba is pretty fun - not as good at burning calories as the DVD tho... anyone with an HRM can confirm the difference in the burn? Would be very interesting to know...

    I have Zumba 2 for the Wii...I wear a heart rate monitor when I do it and burn upwards of 1200 calories in an hour.....
  • JustBeckyV
    My fitness coach the first one is the one I started with and still use to this day!! Love it!! I also have used all the EA Sports Active ones as well. I bought Zumba but havent tried it yet. I didnt like the biggest loser ones really. I also had the golds gym and it was ok but not a favorite.
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    ill have to check that site out thank you
    I LOVE this website - it is constantly being updated. http://www.nutwiisystem.com/best-wii-exercise-games.html
    They rate the games based on fun and workout intensity.

    PS - I got my son the Active Life Explorer (with mat) for his birthday at Thanksgiving. I love playing it! Each game is only 1-2 minutes long, but you are running and jumping and stepping all over. I sweat like crazy playing it. It's been on the top 10 list (see link above) for over a year.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I have Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus and I've not find them that great on the calorie burning front

    I had EA Sports Active, EA Sports Active More Workouts and liked them to a certain point but again the calorie burn wasn't great. I have bought EA Sports Active 2 when it was reduced recently to £10 but I have to say I've never used it.

    I have though just ordered Just Dance 3. I was playing it with my nieces and again with my goddaughter over Christmas and it's great, and I was definitely sweating. It all depends how much effort you put into it. I noticed the 'Just Sweat' option so was interested to read what that involves - I'll definitely been giving that a go!!

    I have also ordered Zumba Fitness 2. My friend had the first one and found it frustrating you couldn't just pick the one you wanted to do, but from the reviews I read it seems you can on this version. I just know that Zumba is my favourite class ever at the gym and I think if you enjoy the exercise you;re doing you are more likely to do it.
