Enough is enough - Time to get started today:)

Hi All,

I was recommended this site by a friend & hoping it will help me turn my life around.!

Since I had my second child 20mths ago have really let myself go - snacking on junk food, too many take aways & too much wine..

Am looking to lose 18lbs which will bring be down to pre pregnancy weight , & desperatly want to tone up - carring too much fat around my mid section..

So have quit the cigarettes ( going cold turkey ) after smoking approx 15 a day for the past 13yrs! ( yes I know that is really bad & want to be around to see my 2 beautiful children grow up.

Hitting the gym tonight with a pal on a similar mission so wish me luck:)


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Good luck, you can do it!! I also have two children and although I am doing this for me, I am also happy that I already have more energy to play around with my 2 year old. :smile: