
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    While waiting to order check the foods info on the MFP app if you have a smartphone. I normally eat the same meal at certain resturants but do like to change it up once in a while. The MFP app helps with that. We eat at Logans Steakhouse about once a month. The app tells me how many rolls I can eat. :)
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I follow the same rules when eating out as I do at home, nothing fried or slathered in butter. Sauces and dressings on the side. No bacon or croutons (or other extremely high cal/fat additions) on my salad. I make healthier choices when available and limit my portion sizes. If there is something I really want I have it in moderation.
    I tend to go to the same restaurants so I know what my choices are and have a good idea of the calorie content of what I'm eating. If it's a special occasion or a new place I try to check out their nutrition guide before going or ask to see it when I get there.
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    It is a very hard thing to do.

    1) If you know ahead of time that you are going out save as many calories as possible. Eat smaller breakfast and lunch or skip one. If possible work out as much if not more than normal.

    2) If it is a chain see if the calorie counts are online. Then you can have a reasonable expectation of how much you can eat.

    3) Try not to eat out too much. Save it for the weekends. You should reward yourself. If you work hard all week watching what you eat and exercising there is nothing wrong with having one night where you have appetizers, entree's and dessert or drink more than you should. But if you eat out 3-4 times a week it becomes very difficult to continue losing weight unless you starve yourself the rest of those days.

    4) If calories are not listed on the web use what is in Myfitness database as a guide even if for a different restaurant and always overestimate what you ate.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I sometimes just order al a carte.
    Or no fried foods, no buns, tortillas etc. Anything grilled, like fish/chicken.
    Watch the dressings/sauces.
    Don't be afraid to ask how they cook something or what the weight of it is. They usually have a set serving size.
    Or ask them to make it light, by not using oils or butter, cheese etc.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I always go for the salmon
  • runner_girl77
    runner_girl77 Posts: 3 Member
    Usually I....

    1.) Scope out the menu before I go so I can make reasonable choices and don't feel so overwhelmed once I'm there.
    2.) Put in an extra workout so I have a litle room to splurge and enjoy myself - within reason of course.
    3.) Some of my local favorites are... steak or salmon with a side of broccoli (make sure it's not steamed or topped with butter) OR pasta with a red sauce of some kind OR a big dinner salad like a steak salad or grilled chicken salad with balsamic vinegar dressing.
    4.) Depending on what I get I may ask for a to go box right away. If I put part of the meal in the to go box first - I still have that feeling of getting to eat every last yummy bite off my plate.
    5.) Drink water or unsweetened icetea. Then you don't lose any calories on your beverage and have more to spare for food or for a small glass of wine.
    6.) If I'm hungry for a burger I'll go for it but usually I ask for no or light mayo and I will ask for a side of fruit vs. fries.

    Good Luck!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    My family used to dine out all the time. It's what lead me to over 200 lbs. BUT, by using the tips below, I was able to lose 80lbs (with work out of course) still dining out many times per week!

    1 - Check the menu out before you go. Know what you want to order and order first, so that other people's tempting choices won't change your mind!

    2 - Don't completely deprive yourself! Allow yourself 1 bread roll. Allow a plain baked potato instead of fries. Let the people you're with know...there's no shame in that! This way you'll keep yourself in check because you know everyone's watching.

    3 - Most menus now of days have a "healthy" section. Go straight there. Do not pass appetizers. Do no pick up additional sides ;)

    4 - Drink lots of water! Before, during and after your meal.

    5 - If there are big portions, ask for a box as soon as you get your food and put half away, this way you're not tempted to eat the whole thing!

    6 - If possible, always order the "lunch" portion.

    7 - Don't go starving! I know it sounds crazy, but have a healthy snack before you go. Some carrots, or a piece of multigrain break with peanut butter. You'll be less likely to be overly tempted by buttery dishes when you're not ravenous.

    8 - Skip the cocktail. I know, it sucks, but alcohol is just liquid calories.

    9 - Sauces/dressings on the side always helps. Dip your fork in the dress/sauce and then into the food. You get a hint of flavor from the dressing without the overload of calories!

    10 - Don't be afraid to treat yourself to something SMALL. Sometimes just a bite of cake, or a spoonful of ice cream is all you need for that sweet craving. If you're ordering dessert, split it with one or more people.

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
    Every single one of these is a great tip! We eat out a lot also and I follow all of these.
  • AubreysMommy30
    AubreysMommy30 Posts: 64 Member
    When ordering grilled items, ask to have them dry grilled (without any extra oil or fat). There is generally enough residual oil on the grill top from other items to sufficiently lubricate the grill and prevent burning that excess oil isn't needed; its just added fat. Also, be aware of the 'light' or 'diet' items. For example, the Applebee's Weight Watchers Approved Fiesta Lime Chicken has around 4995mg of sodium! That is twice the RDA for sodium. Many lower fat items are riddled with salt. Sometimes the extra fat is better because your body will burn it however the excess sodium can be very dangerous to some, especially for those with hypertension. Do yourself a favor, plan ahead. Look up the restaurant menu and nutrition facts online and plan out your meal before you go. When the server brings the menu, don't open it. Just order what you have planned. If you open it, you can change your mind because you can be attracted to other foods. Good Luck!!
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    All these tips are really good, but don't forget you can always order a la carte. I went to an Italian restaurant where they served TWO chicken breats with goat cheese and sundried tomatoes with pasta (or another side) AND a soup or salad. SO much food that I didn't need. I just asked if I could just get the chicken with the cheese and tomatoes. After explaining I didn't want the pasta OR the soup/salad, the waiter brought me exactly what I asked for..and it was DELICIOUS. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it so much if I had all the other junk with it. Plus, I allowed myself enough calories to have one piece of bread with their delicious herbs and oil. And I'm still dreaming about that chicken!
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I order a to go container with my meal and when my meal comes I transfer half of the plate into the to go box.

    I order my burger with extra lettuce and no bun. I also ask what sides they have, and order something that is better for me than french fries.

    I look up the nutritional information on line, decide what I am going to order, and then don't even look at the menu when I get there.

    I only drink water with lemon.

    If I want cocktails... I will order vodka or rum and diet soda, or light beer.

    Eat slowly, this is good for you on so many levels. Chew your food thoroughly, this also aides in digestion.

    enjoy the company you are with by putting down your fork between bites and socializing a little bit.

    Definitely order sauce on the side. dip your fork in and then get the salad on it.

    These are tips I use.
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    Get the FastfoodCal app for your phone. It has a quick lookup for your favorite restuarants.

    I focus on less sauce mostly. Hold the mayo, no cheese, on hamburgers. At BK you can still get a Whopper for 510 calories. Skip the fries and soda and save more. Get a side salad with light dressing as well.
  • I use my MFP app to look and see what is best for me. For instance, yesterday I had lunch at longhorn steakhouse. I chose the grilled shrimp skewers (no sauce) with a side of steamed asaragus and broccoli. I did cave and spent 85 cals on a slice of bread. I felt good when I left and wasn't starving. I know that when I go to LH I can have the shrimp, trout or salmon and not break the bank on cals. I choose the places I go to eat by what they have for their nutritional value. Red Robin BAD....I found that even Red Lobster was better. However, sometimes I just go where I want and have what I want. I've found that if I don't do that I am not satisfied and tend to bing.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I love going to applebees they have a decent low cal menu (but watch the sodium!!) and they have these little desserts... the brownie bite is great!
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Watch for salad dressings... and be careful of any "big salads".. insane amounts of calories! I also try to drink a few glasses of water before I go out.. and sometimes eat an apple or something.. just so that I don't arrive at the restaurant absolutely starving and my "big eyes" get the best of me!

    Excellent tip! I just recently looked up some calories on fat-free dressings in restaurants....CRAZY!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If I'm cautious I order grilled chicken, no bun, light on cheese, no sauces, side of steamed veggies.

    If I'm not cautious I order the same thing with fries instead of veg or burger instead of chicken.

    Sometimes I'll just order an appetizer and a side.

    Chinese, I order steamed shrimp and veg and take it easy on the sauces and rice.

    If they have very large portions I order a to go box and box up half of it before I even dig in.

    If it's a special occassion I just have what I want.

    The important part is to figure out what is important to you when you're eating out and consider how to accomodate it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Watch for salad dressings... and be careful of any "big salads".. insane amounts of calories! I also try to drink a few glasses of water before I go out.. and sometimes eat an apple or something.. just so that I don't arrive at the restaurant absolutely starving and my "big eyes" get the best of me!

    Excellent tip! I just recently looked up some calories on fat-free dressings in restaurants....CRAZY!

    many fat free dressings are packed with sugar. think about using a little olive oil, lemon or vinegar, salt and pepper.
  • I always look up where we are going before i go so i can pick what i want within my cals from the get go.

    good plan..
  • Oh wow! So many great tips! I know so many seem "obvious" but it's really great to remind myself sometimes on the little things I can do to be better when out eating!

    Also any of you! If you looking for encouraging MFP friends FEEL FREE TO ADD ME! <3 I'm newer and would love a great support group! I'd also love to be an encouragement to others! <3
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I study the nutrition chart for that restaurant before I even put on nice pants for a meal out. And because of my husband's irregular work schedule, spontaneous invitations from family or friends are a rarity so I almost always know way ahead of time where I will be eating. I've also made it known in my social circle that I'm counting calories so sometimes I'm asked to pick the restaurant, which works out pretty nicely.

    And I always schedule a workout a few hours before the meal. ;)
